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Taming A Wild Tohu



A few years back, I started talking to this being, who went by the name Tohu.

He was an absolute terrible person, he was a MegaBloks gang member, and he HATED Lego. Most of all, he hated Bionicle, and apple pie.

After talking to him, I asked him a simple question.


He told me it all started with his abusive father, and he never met his mother.

During his Freshman year, in High School, he dropped out, left his home, and joined the MB gang.

He later came to hate Bionicle, because it was Lego's best line. And Lego was better than Mega Bloks.

After hearing this, I had him vent his anger, and try to quit the Mega Bloks gang.

He said he couldn't, because he would have nowhere to go. So, I told him about joining the Lego Army. He seemed shocked that they would even pay for his college.

He joined up, but later had to qut after being shot in the heart and turning into just a floating head.

I then brought him to BZPower, and told him he should inquire about the mascot position.

After being turned down three times, he finally got the job after Lego Man Bob, died from heart failure at age 97.

And that's how Equestria was made.


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