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Happy Days

Lady Kopaka


Currently Listening To: General Grievous - Star Wars Episode III Soundtrack

Currently Doing: Browsin' BZP and talkin' on AIM.

Currently Reading: Shabanu by Suzanne Staples


I have nothing really important to say, but I want to make an entry anyway. =D


Well as everyone knows my list is open...But like got full in less than a few hours; congrats though who made it, and be quick to PM me others when I get an extra spot. :P And that will be soon as I am finishing Kinali.

Also I am finishing up some other non-request art, so I really hope it ends ok.


Well...My life? It’s almost 70(F) out, my sister is painting her dresser drawers in the garage, and I still need to finish my math lesson, having fun reading my book called Shabanu. Very good now. So...life is good. :)


St. Patricks day is almost here too, I'll be wearing all green...and hey, I might even take a picture of myself and show everyone. But besides that nothing is happening so...


I really want to play Scratches. BC-J got me back in it. ;-; ...Which reminds me I need to read his epic along with some others as an epic critic...If the server doesn't DIE. *Says it really loud to gain attention*




...Board message...Board message again...


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Lemme know if you figure out how to get into the basement; I've been trying to for like, three weeks. :P


On Scratches, that is. Not in your house...

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Scratches was the inspiration for your latest short story, right?


Anyway, I'm wearing green, though not all green. I have green pants, but that's about it. So don't pinch me.


I hope to get pics up of my character soon! See ya!


- :vahi:

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When I had braces, I would get them in whatever color scheme matched one of my latest Bionicle sets. I've had Gold+Dark Red (For Toa Jaller), Dark Blue+Gold (for Brutaka), Red+Dark Red (for Hakann), and Red+Orange (for Kalmah). I always get the red and white canister sets, while Lyichir gets the green and brown/yellow, and our little brother gets blue and black. We divided them back in '01, so that each of us got a bright color (red, blue, or green).


I'm waiting for the faces to firm up so that I can carve them more precisely. I will them be able to give you pics of Aanchir and Lyichir, then request a drawing for the first time!


- :vahi:

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Oh today (the 16th not the 18th) is my younger sister's 11th birthday!! Wahoo, well anyway, it's not my birthday, just a regular Friday for me. Blargh I need to post some artwork and make another topic for it. It seems that no one likes anything I make. MOCs or Drawings, I guess I have to get better at it. oh and I am also listening to track number 5 on the Star wars soundtrack.


Hyper nuva :mirunu:

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