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Adventures In Tactical Failure



Here's a beautiful thing that seriously just happened in Starscape.


->Discover a Ragnarok-proofed bunker on a recently-defeated enemy's planet.

->Manage to break into the bunker.

->Tick off heavily armored security drones, who start shooting at you.

->Throw a grenade at them. You're in the bunker. They're in the bunker. The grenade's in the bunker.



This is now you.


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After reading what happened, I'm honestly chuckling a bit. And I chuckled even before I understood what happened. =P


*Is now tempted to maybe get into Starscape, but, well... I don't know if it would be possible =P*

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Uh, I'll give you a basic overview.


-Sectors 2 and 1 are controlled by two powerful alliances, the Pact (me, Power, ToA, and sort of Necro) and the Trilateral Alliance of Planets (Kothra, Lloyd, Alex but he got annihilated). There's presently an uneasy ceasefire between the two, due to the TAP being rather afraid of the amount of firepower the Pact threw around to put down the Natsirt (Alex).


-Sector 3 is presently uninhabited, though the TAP has shown some interest in the sector because they believe it gives them the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Pact.


-For the most part, the game is in a perpetual state of cold war with occasional (highly destructive) flare-ups. Because of this, both sides will try to turn any newcomers to their advantage. A clever newcomer can make good use of this political situation to keep themselves safe and secure some territory to begin building up their own fleet.

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Oh, this firepower, is that what Alex was panicking about in his blog the other day? If so, then nice. xD


Okay then, I think I've got the gist. And if I don't, well, I'm used to getting empires destroyed in games, so it won't really be anything new. =P

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That little war all happened within the last five pages, I think. There was another, somewhat tougher war, earlier, in which the Syrrinx were similarly roflstomped, though they didn't blow their own planets up.

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