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Art Art Art Art....



I just got a note from my grandmother. She needs all my school art from last year. (Long story.)


Which brings up a problem: I'm missing a lot of it. (Longer story)


So, for the rest of the summer, I will be re-doing a bunch of assorted art projects, ranging from pencil and brush-and-ink, to chalk and calligraphy.


Yay for art!




My church's VBS is also starting up in a few days, and as an official decorater, not to mention prop and costume coordinator for the Drama team, I kinda have my hands full until next Saturday.


Not to mention that I'll be practically living at my church next week. :rolleyes:




Art news:


I've got my Hahli Inika sketch up in my art topic. As it is still a prototype sketch, I will not be giving it its own topic. Fell free to comment on it. ^_^




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Ah, helping at the VBS is alot of fun... THe food was good whne I helped out. Zarai and me were helping in the recreational division, so we helped with Dodgeball and what have you. XD


And good luck on your art!




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Long story aye? I know those. :P


I love art, and love doing it 24/7...Usually.


I am helping in my VBS to, I didn't last year though, but it seems like fun....But I have always disliked VBS for some reason. Just like my dad. (Runs in the family. =D)

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