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Looks Like My Vacation Is... Over

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I know that I say I was going to write my next entry on something LEGO related. But well, this is probably going to be my last entry here in this blog for awhile since I start my fourth semester of Community College tomorrow, so my internet hang out time is getting cut back by a lot. So with that in mind, I am probably going to ramble on to a bunch of different subjects in this entry since a lot is on my mind right now.


But anyway, I am going to start right off the bat with some LEGO stuff here. I recently brought two LEGO sets during my winter break and they were Ninjago - Ice Dragon Attack (LEGO Set # 2260) and Dino - Raptor Chase (LEGO Set # 5884). I like them both, but my favorite has got to be the Dino set since it has a Raptor in it. I do have a couple complaints about that set though.


My first complaint is that it has stickers for the car parts, which only annoys me because I can never get them exactly straight on the bricks. Admittedly I can understand why they would gives us stickers rather than printed them on the bricks because it allow those that just want the bricks themselves to be able to reuse the bricks in their projects without having to worry about something being printed on it messing it up appearance wise, so it is minor annoyance really.


Okay, the second complaint is, that much like BIONICLE squid projectiles, I can not understand how to fire the "missile" projectiles because whenever I do it, they just fall to the ground right in front of the launcher. Maybe I am not doing it right, I guess. Again though, this is a minor annoyance because I do not really care much for projectiles that LEGO been trying to sell with their sets lately.


As for Ninjago set, I do not really have any complaints about that one. I just like Dino set more because my love for Jurassic Park like sets (especially ones with ones with Raptors) kind of makes me blind to any the faults that I might find in it. I will say this though I do plan on getting more of both themes, if I can, because I do like them both.


Okay, moving right along, I am now going to briefly about some LEGO Projects or rather challenges that I would like to try this year. To start, I am setting a goal for me to try and get most my LEGO sorted and organized by the end of this semester since I am going to need an easier way to find pieces for projects than rooting through a large bin.


As for projects themselves, I been mainly thinking about doing a sole Mosaic project close to the scale of ones that ChocolateFrogs and company have been arranging here for BrickFair for pass two years. Why, you might ask? Well, whenever I got back my pieces of mosaics that I helped build for those projects, I always felt kind of bad getting it back because it was like I was ripping apart someone's art project, which is particularly why I have never taken apart any of my pieces return. Also there is the fact that I have never seen one of these projects myself in person, so I have always wonder what it would be like to build one for just myself.


Another project that I would like try is to redesign my old open roof and multi-color buildings that I made in childhood into something with a proper color scheme, a roof, and well, just a better design in general. I want to do this one because I want to see if my skills with a LEGO brick have improved at all since childhood.


Okay, that's all the LEGO projects/challenges that I can think of at this point. So our next topic is Pokemon. Why do I want to talk about Pokemon? Because I have all of sudden gotten the desire to either play Pokemon or watch the Anime since adding an old CD of Pokemon music to my i-Thingy (I called iPods and all related objects, i-Thingys).


Unfortunately this desire had to happen on the day that I could not do anything about it because today is last day of winter break, so I can't just go out and search for Pokemon DVD of the first season and watch it in just a day's time. Not only that, but my day is pretty much over now since it like around ten o'clock at night. But yeah, I kind of feeling nostalgic for the Pokemon Anime of the original series.


However there is bright side of things for this desire to play Pokemon or watch the Anime and that is it will provide me with just the motivation to start Pokemon Black finally or return to playing Pokemon Rumble Blast again. But JMJ, didn't you just say you did not have time to go out and hunt for DVD of Pokemon Anime, so how can you have time to play either of those things? Okay, a couple of things to note here:

  1. I have those games already, so no hunting for anything. While with the Anime, I do not have any copies of series on DVDs and would thus need to go hunting for them and then have to wait for them to be ship to my home, so more time is consumed in that.
  2. Considering this is just the first week of school and have a seven hour gap between classes tomorrow, I do needed something to keep me entertain for those long periods of inactive and Pokemon can provide just that.

So yeah, I am probably going to end up playing some Pokemon tomorrow since I know I am going to be sitting at school for seven hours on the first day. Any suggestions on what else that I could do then would be greatly appreciated.


Alright, next topic is about me looking some old childhood photos. I must say I always find it to be interesting to look at past me and see how much I have changed. Like did you know during Halloween once, my brother and I were dress up as Pikachu? Oh, no, you didn't. Well, that's probably because you can't see the pictures, silly.


The pictures that I thought were the most interesting though were ones taken during that camp trip, I took with the Boy Scouts. I find them interesting because I didn't look very uncomfortable being in the great outdoors as I would be now due to my irrational fear of bees.


It kind has made me interested in see what else has changed about me since childhood. I mean off the top of my head, I know I can say that I do not laugh as much as I used to. As a child, I would laugh at pretty much anything. But nowadays, its pretty hard to get a laugh out of me. Really I am sure there is plenty more, but this entry is getting too long as it is, so I won't bored you with the details.


Hm...You know what I am going to spare you from anymore rambling from me and just end it. Thanks again for taken the time to read this, BZPers. Hopefully school will not take up too much of my time that I will not be able to pop in occasionally to give you guys an update on my life or my thoughts in general. Oh, and whoever knows where my blog entry title comes from you get my invisible seal of approval. Alright, I am done. Talk to you all later.




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Thumbs up for Kingdom Hearts reference. :P



I have a love-hate relationship with old photos. I like looking at them for nostalgia's sake, but dang; compared to how I look now, I can't stand to see my younger self. XP



(also, if you need a Pokémon fix, you should look into ROTR, even if you don't have time to actually join it. 8D)

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I am glad to see that someone got the reference. :)


Ah, I see. Yeah, I do feel the same way about some of my pictures of myself, so I can see where you are coming from there.


lol I was actually looking at it when I was typing up this long entry. And man, I wish I had to time to actually join it. But unfortunately for time being, I just don't. I do plan on keeping an eye on it though, while I am still in this Pokemon mood of interest.



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Of course -- best game series ever! :D


What makes that especially funny is the reactions I get from other people -- specifically, "But you're sooooo cute! 8D" xp


:o I must be psychic. :P

All righty; well, assuming it's not closed in the future, I look forward to possibly seeing you around at some point. Hopefully you don't find it as confusing as others do. XP

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Yeah, it is one of three favorite game series (The other two being the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon).


lol Yeah, I could see that. And well, I admit I do find some of my own childhood pictures to be on the cute side, so I can see where those other people are coming from. For example, I find that picture of me dressed as Pikachu to be quite cute.


I see. Well, if it is still around in June, I probably end up joining it since it looks like it would be fun to play in. And as for being confused about stuff, I do not think that will happen with me since I have habit of reading everything that goes on in an RPG before actually join it.



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