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Goldeneye Revisited

Blessed Blade


Other Titles: All RIGHT!


So... I'm playing over on Archives. I'm shooting people with the shotgun as usual... And then I get killed. HOWEVER! At the exact same time, I fire the shotgun, and get my killer, with a headshot to boot. I love revenge kills. =P


Then, I start playing on the facility... I spawn Bond, and then camp(Yes, I know, I know... *Hangs head*) in one of the ventilation shafts. I keep my safety up with a proxy mine; however, two start to attack. I toss a proxy at them; one moves forward, and blows up both. =P


Then, I'm typing this, right? Well, one of the enemies was a little uh... dumb. He decides to camp in the exact vent I'm in. I decided to give him a nice little pat on the back in return. =)


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For some reason, I just can't get into Goldeneye like I used to. I think it's just knowing a superior version will probably be out on WiiU by, oh, early 2013 or so, takes the joy out of it. :ap

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Rover: Haha, nice. xD


Ddude: What're you talking about? I haven't heard anything about that... And I think I know a good way to get you back into the mood; a firefight with me. =P


Which is one thing I hope any future versions fixes: Allow you and your friends to have even just a one-on-one match, without having to have randoms appear to pop in and try and take everyone down. =P

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@Blade: There's nothing official about it coming to WiiU, but come on, dude: this is Activision we're talking about. :P


And I don't think that's in the game, no...

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OOOH. I know why I recognize that now! Yeah; it's in the game, it just goes by the name 'Vargen FH-7' now. =P


And yeah, you can still do that. it has like 50-60 bullets in there. and that's just for one reload. xD

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Yeah, they renamed a lot of the weapons for little reason, but the names don't matter much when your opponents are dying.


But the most over-powered weapon is this game is the Masterton. An automatic shotgun, which causes lots and lots of deaths. Doesn't have the biggest carrying capacity, but still is good to get long streaks. =P The only problem, is that you'd be a target after. And that it's only unlocked online at like the last two or three levels. xD

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1. Yeah; it's pretty much a case of... *See person rushing toward you* *Aim* *Fire* *Hits both the person you're aiming, and since you're still firing, the three other people who tried to blindly follow said person* Of course, if they split up, that doesn't happen as much, but it's still fun. =P


2. Yep; in fact, it's got it's own mode again. That's really fun, as it's a free-for-all mode as well; so you have eight people killing each other for the gun. =P Gets really hectic at times, honestly. xD

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Yeah, I prefer the RC-P90 because if you can back yourself into a hallway with only one entryway, you can hold onto that area until you need to reload just by spraying a few rounds around every time you see somebody.

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There are a couple of those; you just have to have very good reflexes to survive people trying to do the same to you while you bait them, and to get through any 'armour' they might have.(Armour's handled slightly differently in this, it's not pickup, but instead an item you equip beforehand. Works pretty much the same though, you get to survive two hits instead of one, half the time. If it's not called the 'Masterton', that is, as you're dead regardless, unless you get really lucky and dance around the bullets. xD)

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Yeah, that happens to be something that happens to anyone in that game. =P


Grenade Launchers and Rockets are in, though. But you don't get the MJR(Rocket Launcher) online, unless someone hacks. But it's a free for all with it offline. >=P


But yeah, I kinda wish that the Laser had've made an appearance, but... =/ Hey, maybe it does, and it's simply in Classic Conflict. Check back with me in a week, it'll take me that long to get the EXP needed to unlock that mode. =P

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Alright, I've got my fingers crossed for it.

Personally, with how goofy the rocket launcher was in the original, I'd be fine with it being available online. I've seen people who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with one.

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The Grenade Launcher took that role. =P Even though it's a grenade shooter, it's more or less a Rocket Launcher.


The actual Rocket Launcher fires homing rockets. Found that out a couple days ago, when someone hacked it into a match it was in... Rocket Launcher as primary weapon, Golden Gun as secondary. Was honestly interesting, given that the weapons copied the aspects of the weapons you actually had... Which meant my one-shot-per-clip Golden Gun was trying to act like a semi-automatic pistol. xD

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Yeah, in the old version, the Rocket Launcher had a homing mode, and a dumb-fire mode that was slightly faster. Some people I knew couldn't hit me with homing rockets.


Oh, can you still attach proxy mines to people?

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I believe so; I accidentally tossed one onto one of my teammates when playing as Bond in Heroes the other day, and the guy had enough sense to go out of my hiding spot, and run up to one of the enemies. Cue explosion. =P

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Yeah. I'm lucky he didn't stay in the vent, if someone had've come in after me, and he was right next to me, he would've blown the enemy and me up, and likely the enemy would've put some bullets into him before getting blown up. =P


Even luckier, though, if that explosions from your team don't affect teammates, unless you're playing on Team License to Kill. So our team got a free kill, essentially. =P


I still died, but IIRC, that was more me being very stupid than anything else. >>'

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