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Skyrim Adventure, Part 1: In Which I Give Up...?



as stated in my previous entry, here is a more in-depth entry about my first forray into Skyrim



Time to make a character, ok, here we go. So I read through the differing aspectcs of the races. I'd like to do a sneaky archer playthrough, but I'm afraid doing so on my first playthrough would make me miss things. Like, I'd be too focused on sneaking I wouldn't explore to the fullest. I settle on an Imperial for combat and magic.


So I'm running through the town from the dragon and end up going with the rebel guy. Apparently you could stay with the guard? I don't know. The low FOV combined with my tiredness and headache was making it hard for me to focus.

So, the first enemies show up. The combat is TERRIBLE. I could tell from videos it wsn't anything amazing, but man it is just so bad. The animations are so stiff, and I honestly couldn't tell if I was even hitting them or not.

We continue running through the building, I'm picking up everything I can carry to sell later. I eventually figure out that I started out with some magic spells (they could of told me that earlier), so I burn some guys and zap some guys. Pretty cool. I try mixing in some sword swings, but the combat system is still terrible. I end up enjoying magic more that standard combat.


We eventually escape, run down a road, and come across some magical rocks. I activate the Mage rock.

We make it to town where I meet the guy's sister and she gives me some quest, I don't even know, at that point I just wanted to quit. So after recieving the quest, I did.


So at this point, I'm torn between continuing and starting a new game with a more magic-focused character. I'm leaning towards starting over so I can actually understand what's going on.

I'm also thinking about trying it out with a 360 controller since it was obviously designed for consoles. My favorite thing was that the UI didn't change even though I had changed some buttons, which led to me pressing the wrong thing on menus several times.



Will things get better, or worse? Find out in the next exciting installment of Haz's Skyrim Adventure!


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Bad combat?


Well, each to his own. From what I can tell from your comp specs you probably aren't running the greatest graphics. Try upping them a bit, it should smooth out combat.

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I'm running everything on high. The graphics aren't the problem. The problem is that combat is extremely repetitive.

run up to enemy, mash button to win

Good thing I'm going battlemage, mixing magic into fights makes things more interesting.

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Huh. Well, as I said before, each to his own. Me, I feel that if you just run up and mash buttons you'll die pretty quick. Well, against stronger enemies at least. Grunts are pretty easy to mash against. Just wait until you get to stronger peeps; mashing doesn't work then.

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well I don't literally mean mash buttons, it's just that melee combat consists of only 2 attacks, normal and charged

I guess I'm just used to games that have combo attacks and such

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