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Skyrim Adventure, Part 7: In Which I Am The Law



I found the Redgaurd women. She pulled a knife on me. Not many poeple pull a knife on me and live, but I remained calm, and let her talk. She told me that the Alik'r after her are assassins. I agreed to kill them.

I returned to the cave from Part 4, the bandits had respawned. They were weaker than I remember; or rather, I'm stronger. I made it to the final room without any problems and spoke to the Alik'r leader. He told me she was wanted for treason.

I didn't know who to believe, but I told him I'd lure her into a trap so he can apprehend her.

I was full well prepared to kill him if things went sideways.

I led her to the stables where he was waiting, and he zapped her with some magic that immobilized her.


I still don't know which was telling the truth, but seeing as he didn't kill her (or me), I went on my way.

I sold some junk, and was now rich enough to buy a house, which I did. I stashed some things in a drawer (it must be some sort of pocket dimension to be able to store so much), said hello to Lydia, and left.

Next, I shall set out on the mission the Greybeards gave me, in search of Windcaller's horn.


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Let's see how long it takes you to start cursing that quest.


Well, then again, not that many hard baddies, but still, you'll be in for a fight.

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