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Football Entry: Nfl Playoffs, Conference Week



49ers-Giants: I'm not really sure what to say, because I spent the majority of this game out trying to cool off. Kudos to the Giants, I guess.


Ravens-Patriots: That was...wow. Wow. ...Wow. I can give some leeway to Lee Evans here - he was out for almost half the season, even then he was limited, and it wasn't like he dropped it like Houshmanzadeh, it was knocked from his hands. And heck, I still saw the second foot come down, I saw a touchdown. But Billy Cundiff...I'm without words to describe what happened on that kick. He performed well last year, which was his career year, but Cundiff has been erratic all season. He capped it off tonight, and now we know why he has been to ten teams in eleven years. He is not worth $5 mil more than Adam Vinatieri, and he is not worth only a single million less than Janikowski. That was in-range, with no wind, snapped fine, and it was as good as our ticket to Indy with the new OT rules and Flacco stepping up after a week of criticism and genuinely outplaying Tom Brady. There was never a chance it was going in, I have never seen a kick that wide outside of windy Chicago, it'd be one thing if it was a doink, but there's no excuse for that. I will start losing hope in Harbaugh if we don't have a new kicker next season. This was a disappointing season by a player with a disappointing record, and it ended on losing us the conference game.


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