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Moar Sets: Heroes And Star Wars Polybag



So I went to Target today to pick up my prescription (I'm on meds that keep me from taking over the world / help with acid reflex, ext) and I stopped by the Lego aisle. (Okay, like I always head towards the Lego section of any store and it's usually the first thing I do and sometimes my entire trip revolves around browsing the Lego shelves...) I was determined to buy something... I was aiming for a Hero Factory 2012 set, but they were fresh out. In fact, the Lego aisle itself was pretty bare; most of the Ninjago stuff had been picked through, the City section only boasted a few of the many cool sets out this year (including the one I already have), and all the Star Wars stuff was 2011. Even other older themes from 2011, like PotC, Alien Conquest, and Cars, were pretty meager.


And they did have prices for a lot of the Super Hero sets, but they didn't have many in stock. Luckily, they did have the Joker, Green Lantern, and Superman vs Lex Luther set. (I want the latter two, already bought Joker for the purple.) After some hefty decision making, I decided I wanted Superman more than some green parts, so I grabbed that set. And at the checkout lane, I spied two polybag sets, one for Toy Story and one for Star Wars, so I grabbed those too.


The Toy Story polybag was the Army Jeep. It's not too different from the original Army man set (which has more minifigs and a better car design) but it offers some nice green pieces all the same.


The Star Wars one was a Venator Class Republic Attack mini model. I'm not quite sure why I bought this; I don't even recognize the ship from the movies. (I'm gonna guess it's prequels or Clone Wars) And it doesn't have amazing pieces either, from what I can tell. And get this; this is the FIRST Star Wars set that I've ever gotten. Sure, I had an R2D2 keychain, I've bought SW minifig parts off Bricklink, and I do own the second SW Lego game. (Ah, back when Lego games weren't incredibly glitchy and worked on my computer...) But in the 15ish years that Lego has had the Star Wars line (and trust me, I remember when they released the first SW sets) I have not once actually purchased a set. That has now changed. I have been bit by the Lego Star Wars bug, and I'm already considering buying more in the future. (Maybe a few planet sets, and the Hoth game. I'm not actually crazy enough to turn into a Lego SW completeist and try to buy every little thing released... I do that for other themes. :P ) Also, I haven't opened / built the set yet. I might try to do it in the polybag. ;)


And then there's the main one, the Super Man vs Power Suit Lex. OMG. Love the figs. Love the purple. Love the green. Love the various trans bright green. Love the mech! Love the balljoint elements. Love the... um, I'll just call it good for now. I'll do a more thorough review in the future. But lemme just say that this works. Besides the pieces, the mech just seems to be the right size with the right mobility... and yeah, it's awesome. Plus, only $20 for over 200 pieces... a steal as far a licence products are concerned.




Recommended Comments

You got the bug and you haven't even opened it?

Forsooth. C'mon, man, get with the program! :P

Actually, I bought both those polybag sets a while ago. I like the Venator Class Star Destroyer up until the point of it being too tall, aethetically. (Note: It's from the beginning of Episode 3. Grievous was in one.)


The Superman/Lex Luthor/Wonder Woman mech set looked cool, especially for the figs, but I think I'll wait to see the other superheroes released too.


Oh and the LSW planet sets look cool. I'll probably get the TIE set.



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