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Kingdom Hearts I



All that is left is to beat Sephiroth and Kurt Zisa~


Finished absolutely everything else, except I missed a red trinity because I broke it :<


(oh and the ultima weapon thingamajig)


And I have 30ish hours logged into it.


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Lol, I tried that with KHII the other day (combat system is so much better, if a little cheap at times) but I should do KHI at some point. The story is a little more cartoony, and fun.

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Heh, I actually brought out my old KHI a few days ago too, its still fun to play.


If you've beaten Phantom (I forget his exact name), Kurt Zisa shouldn't be too tough in comparison. Just don't forget to use Tinkerbell :)


Good luck with Sephiroth, I still haven't been able to beat him, even at level 100 :P The good news is that it's an easier battle in KHII compared to the first, at least for me that is.

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I'm not going to go up against Sephiroth until I obtain the Ultima Keyblade, though I have looked up some strategies for winning against him, though execution of those strategies hasn't always proven viable. (Like, Frost Titan murdered me the first time, but the second time I did my own thing and luckily won).


My current goal is to play this whole series, as I've been meaning to for years, and with all that Gamestop credit I can actually actualize this goal XP

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It's a ton of fun, in my opinion. A positive is that you don't need to know the Final Fantasy characters, or even the Disney characters (but who doesn't know the latter?) to get into the game itself. (Of course, having a background in Final Fantasy -- like knowing Cloud Strife, Squall, Sephiroth, Aerith, Yuffie, etc... might make some fights more sentimental for some).


I've completely beat every aspect of it now, got the secret ending and all that jazz, so now I'm going to use my store credit to pick up Re: Chain of Memories, KHII, and 358/2 Days (The last I can get for free, as I have a coupon~).


Though, it's made me crave revisiting FFVII again (I haven't beat it yet, though it's on my PS3...)

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