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It's Sort Of A Preview!

Pahrak Model ZX


How do you suppose a wedding planner would react if I asked him/her to plan a fictional wedding?

...Cause...I got the idea in my head to actually write out Khadaz and Amy's wedding someday, but I know nothing about weddings...




...Anyway, the Spirit Index has been updated. Exo's Desk will get an Elemental Rarity update soon-ish (maybe, see below). Currently tossing around a few more Spirit ideas...think I might skip making a Chronicler 11 since not a whole lot happened in the Bionicle story last year. Oh, and I'm in talks to finalize the last King Bohrok!


Oh, and, uh...Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released, so...I probably won't get a whole lot of extra work done anytime time soon. Eheheh...


Like I said, I've been writing some Bioni-Lords-related stuff for one of my classes this semester, and since you guys went all of January with no Kako material, I thought you might be interested to see some of this stuff. Below is my attempt at an exercise in scenery, though it turned into a dialogue with some character development...hope to include it in Kako, but we'll have to see.


Tahra turned her back on the ocean and shrugged, saying, "Eh, it's not so great."

"You think so?" Kytan replied. "I don't know...I kind of like it."

"You need to see some more scenery."

"Such as?"

"Such as the finer sights on my island."

Kytan paused, eventually asking, "Could you be more specific?"

Tahra gave him a sideways glance and asked, "Is it that important to you...?"

"You don't have to share if you don't want to, but...I'm curious."

"Alright," Tahra said dismissively, turning back around. "Well, one of my favorites is the charred forest."

Kytan immediately remembered the vast cluster of dead, black-shelled trees that rose out of the red dirt on Ta-Isle. "Really?"

Tahra gave him an impatient look, but very calmly said, "I'm not finished yet."

Now that Kytan knew not to interrupt her, she continued, "It might not be much normally, but it's gorgeous when the sun breaks through the clouds after a heavy rain, when the magmist is still dispersing."

A confused look crossed Kytan's face, and when Tahra noticed it she said, "Magmist? Volcano fog? You don't know about that? Huh, thought you would. I trust you remember the giant volcano on the island, at least? Well, when there's a lot of tain over the volcano, the water hitting the lava creates a whole bunch of steam that rolls over the top, down the slopes, and out into the charred forest. Not really sure why it stays so low--might have to do with the winds or the atmosphere or something. But anyway, it's called volcano fog, or magmist if you're lazy or like slang. It's from 'magma' and 'mist', by the way. When you're on the slopes of the volcano looking down, and the rain has stopped, and some sunlight punches through the clouds, it's a real nice scene."

As she went on, both her tone and expression began to gradually soften:

"The light's gentle, and it makes your view just clear enough to see the magmist swirling slowly, like its crawling steadily along the ground. Soon you lose it in the trees, but the branches intertwine to form a quilt that adds an extra layer to the scene, and they also cast this intricate shadow that keeps changing as the mist it falls on changes. That's when it starts to rise--it's quick but not too quick, and it seems to slow down when it twists around the branches...it kind of looks like the trees are alive again, with white leaves that look sorta...mystical agaisnt the black bark and the red ground. By then there's more sun, which makes the whole place light up, and as you see the mist make the last stretch of its trip upwards, you think back and realize it was like seeing snow fall in reverse, especially with how it thins out. And when it's over, even though you're just looking at a bunch of dead trees...the sunlight has come such a long way from where it started that the forest looks more hopeful than it's ever been. Maybe you expect the reversal of the seasons to keep going--leaves to jump up on the trees and turn green..."

For the first time, Kytan saw Tahra smile; not a sarcastic smile, or amused, or teasing, but a soft smile that could only be generated by a genuine happiness that Tahra usually didn't seem to possess.

"...Dad would always go to check on the volcano after a really bad rainstorm, and eventually I convinced him to take me with him. After seeing that view just once, there was never a single time I let him go without me..."

Tahra suddenly jolted, as if she had just now realized that Kytan was there, and she immediately turned her head so that he wouldn't see the blush rising in her cheeks.

"So, uh...yeah, that's it. You should see it sometime. It's way better than this lame ocean. Seriously, who cares? It's just water. I hate water..."


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A wedding short story would be neat, I wish I knew anything that could help but...I know nothing.




Yay for you.


Awww, thats so sweet. I like it, you painted a wonderful picture in my mind, the charred forest is one of my favorite places in Bionicle and I like how you enriched it with the magmist and sunrise.


Anywho, whats the difference between Cushion Jelly-lvl, Calix-lvl, and sub and super Cushion Jelly and Calix-lvl defenses?

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I figured that if I could make a cluster of dead trees sound beautiful, everything else would be easy. :P


As for the terms, Keizah suggested detailing some of the terminology on one of the websites, and I will definitely do that soon(ish). To answer your question: the Cushion Jelly modifier is applied to blocking techniques, and means that it cannot be pierced by ANY means (it is the ultimate block); and the Calix modifier is applied to dodging techniques, meaning that it allows the user to avoid even 'perfect accuracy' and 'Sanok' techniques (it is the ultimate dodge). I plan to make the difference between blocking techniques and dodging techniques more obvious in future Spirits, rather than just using 'defense' for all of them (although there are some defensive techniques that don't fall into either category).

The sub and super modifiers were to add extra complexity, but have since been abandoned. If I get the time, I may go back through the old Spirits using those terms and remove them.

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