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Nathan8472's Banner Shop: Chapter 1, Page 6: Thoughts



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Overused downtime joke is overused.


Uhhh, not much to say here. With page 6 (or 12, depending on how you define a page) finished, I'm going to start on a guest comic for Bionicle Manga, one of the most ambitious hand-drawn comics in AIII. The art isn't necessarily the best, but it shows distinct signs of improvement from chapter 1 to chapter 4 and I admire his determination; refusing to give up even in the face of a horrid lack of replies or even a decent fanbase.


Oh, I just realized how much I avoided drawing faces in this page, haha. Must have been a subconscious thing.


The 8 on Nathan's shirt is also an exclamation point. That was completely on accident as I meant to draw a regular 8 but messed up the to curve. It looked cool so I left it.


This was by far the easiest page to edit. I have no idea why. I just didn't have to clean up all the smudges or whatnot.


My sister pointed out that I haven't properly introduced Luke or Nate. She was reading through the chapter with the assumption that Luke was the shop leader. I hope this last page clears it up. (Hint: Luke broke down the door.) My bad.


Anyways, I guess that's it. This is the end of chapter one. It seems like a good place to stop, don't you think? The forums will be back online when I return with chapter two: something involving a guy with a fedora!


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Yeah, right as the chapter grinds to a halt, haha.


I hope I can get up to speed sooner with chapter two. I guess we'll see.


Thanks! :D

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