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So That Mass Effect 3 Thing I Hear So Much About



I feel kinda meh about it. While I enjoy the games, having spent far too much time in the first one, I just don't feel as hyped up for this game for some reason.


While Mass Effect was definitely fun to play, I never really got into the lore so much. The characters were kinda meh, save Tali and Garrus (and even then, they weren't spectacular... well maybe Garrus, but that's 'cuz I've had a crush on Garrus since I first played the game </3). Shepherd, well the ones I always ran, were always kind bleh. Paragon one was too goody, Renegade one was too hate-able and the healthy mixture of both led to a boring character -- I don't know, maybe I just feel limited in terms of options for how to expound upon the Shepherd I wanted to make? Like, there's tons of things to do in the game, but most of the stuff boiled down to "Here's your Paragon option, neutral option and renegade option" and it made a boring character and character progression, in my honest opinion.


Everyone else I never got into. Wrex was okay, but he was only useful in a combat sense, so I shot him when he got annoying in the cutscenes (I'm such a wonderful person </3). Ashley and Kaidan/en both bugged me to no end, I nuked Ashley (as she was more annoying in my opinion) and Kaidan/en was just so dull. Whining about headaches (L2 implants, yadda yadda) and dying in the fighting -- nothing else, really. Plus, he just looks like the "generic soldier male" that only the default Shepherd could put to shame. (Plus, I really despise the customization options... there's not enough for what I wanted to pull off. Now, I do love Aion's customization options -- body build, facial build, age, height, skin colors that varied a bit more, hairstyles that were actually cool looking and not so bleh etc...).


So, from that I just found the characters lacking. I do really like Garrus though, but I don't understand why outside of his voice and that he has a bit of a... anti-heroish feel to him. Plus, he took a missile to the face and can still laugh about it <3


Then there's the plot. In my opinion it's kinda meh. Giant evil robots out to destroy everything (sounds kinda familiar, no?), there's no interesting twists and turns (not even Cerberus was that interesting in terms of plot) and it just feels like every other generic apocalypse in the future type of story. It'd have been redeemable if the characters were better, or there was more development with character relations (not necessarily the relationships, but that'd have been nice too... I was so heartbroken when my [male] Shepherd couldn't have a relationship [or much of] with Garrus in ME and ME2... don't know what the picture is in ME3, I've heard mixed things).


Really, I got more enjoyment out of the mercenary plots (in a "wow, I could really build off this if I wanted to write fanfiction"). than the actual story.


I do love how open the world is though, it gives an ample canvas for writing (if I wanted to do fanfiction/practice, or play a TBRPG), but that's about it.



The gameplay is fun, though.


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well then ME3 sounds right up your alley since gameplay is a lot better and apparently the story is terrible

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The first game really only has Garrus and Wrex as the best characters, but ME2 adds Mordin, Thane and Legion, all of whom are ace. And Grunt's not bad either. It's a good series. A bit MAINSTREAM now though...


Also, pretty sure Garrus is a romance option for male Shepard in ME3, so y'know. I'll probably be heading down that route too. Unless the other options are Thane and Mordin. But even then it'd still be Garrus. ANYWAY.


- Tilius

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I played a good amount of ME2, I never got to the final battle on my own though (as I screwed up somewhat substantially). But even in ME2 I didn't get much out of the characters. I mean, they had interesting histories and missions, but their personalities just got stale to me after a while. From my perspective, there just didn't seem to be much change, or at least change warranted on a "all of galactic civilization will die" deal. So I guess I just got a bit bored with them? Like, I enjoyed Garrus though -- through both games -- as he had a change from the irritated officer to a more unrestrained assassin, that and doing the romance options in the second game seemed to give his character more contrast that I found interesting.


Part of me figures that a lot of my discontent on the issue is more because Bioware probably couldn't have their personalities change too much without introducing other factors, which could have some influence on the amount of options players would have when interacting with those characters.

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