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This Post Has Less Pokemon

Pahrak Model ZX


Being a Super Saiyan is fun, but all Saiyans end up getting killed sooner or later. When I died, some of my allies tried using the Dragon Balls to bring me back, but something went awry and my spirit was thrown into yet another dimenison--the dimension of The World Ends With You. I was dead, but I died in a different world, so normal rules in the Underground didn't apply to me, and I was free to do as I pleased. So, I figured out how to achieve a Noise form. Just because I could.

(I was way overdue for a TWEWY form.)


No new news on Pokemon Black and White 2...but I'm officially on Spring Break! *energetic fist pump* I've got a whole list of stuff to get done while I have the chance, and I want to start by updating the Spirit Index. Look for that today or tomorrow.

Related to that: if you have any Spirits, the prime time to send them to me would be between now and the 17th. I should be able to get them online a lot more quickly if you do.


As promised, I've done some work on VioletRose and HonoredSoul! I want to add a section to the main post detailing the Orb Center (Buy, Sell, Order), but I'm still working on the price range for Orbs. My idea right now is 10 W for a 120 FE or less Orb, adding 5 W to the cost for every 10 FE, making a 200 FE Spirit worth 50 W (the amount won from an Element-Lord). Parasites would be an obvious exception to this (I'm thinking a flat price of 30 W?), and maybe Vehicles should be a little more expensive...still working that out.

I also need to settle on prices for healing items. I'm thinking 1 W for an Elixir, 5 W for status healers and Megalixirs, and 10 W for a Hyperlixir, with certain items being unavailable until later in the game (like in Pokemon).

Working on deciding rosters for the Element-Lords, who will probably not be named. The first Element-Lord you fight will use one Spirit, the second will use two, the third will use three, Element-Lords four, five, and six will each use 5 Spirits, and the final Element-Lord will use seven. I'm thinking that I should avoid giving them Orbs submitted by readers so that it doesn't look like I'm playing favorites...

Also inspired by Pokemon, I'm thinking about limiting the number of Orbs a player can carry/use at a time. What do you guys think about this?

And I will definitely compile a list of Spirits that need additional restrictions on usability, such as Trynakh. I'll present it here so you can comment on it as well.

I'll try to get a modified version of the first post together by next week's blog entry. Discussion on the above points and/or anything I may have missed would be most welcomed if you have anything to say.


Before I go, fellow Pokemon Black and White players may be interested to know that, starting this Saturday, you'll be able to download a free Lv 100 Zekrom or Reshiram via Nintendo Wi-Fi! (Zekrom for Black Version, Reshiram for White Version)

(I'm glad I can get a Reshiram, but...it'll be stronger than my Zekrom D: )


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I wish I got Spring Break...


I like the idea of a limited number of Spirits, that will help keep things from going crazy.

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Okay, I'll implement a limit on number of Spirits. Maybe it'll start low but go up a bit with each Level...

How about this: at Level 1, you'll be able to use up to three Spirits in battle, and every time you defeat an Element-Lord (save for the final one) you'll gain an extra slot, meaning that after taking down 6 Element-Lords you'll be able to use up to 8 Spirits in battle. After defeating the final Element-Lord, you will obtain a ninth Spirit slot, but it can only be filled by the Version Mascot (for very specific reasons to be explained later).

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