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Mata Nui Island Project: Day 2



Swert and I continue to work on our Mata Nui Island model, built at City Blocks Lego Art Studio in Tacoma.


Day 2






What we spent the most time on was the mountain and volcano (again.) I managed to add a peak to the mountain in white. While you can't see it from this angle, the Ko-Koro Sanctum is included. ;) Dan, the guy who runs the studio, didn't like the mountain and forced me to revamp it twice, but I think it's finally looking good and natural. Swert finally finished the volcano, although I helped tweak it to add in a lava falls. Ta-Koro is the next thing to add. (You can see a preview of it on the side, along with the Kini Nui.)


The next part of the project to work on is the coast line. You can't see it, but I got one portion behind the mountain finished. I also started outlining the west coast in red bricks, but we got kicked out before I could finish. That will be tomorrow's thing to do, and then we can start building them up.


Most of our problems so far include making organic landscape shapes, having enough time and stamina to build everything, and having enough bricks. Sure, it seems like Dan has a ton of amazing bricks in every color, but we don't have access to most of them. I believe I've already used up everything larger than a 2x4 brick in light grey...




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Yeah, sometimes major changes are the way to go when a build is not going well. There's a saying about not to follow the advice of he who makes you smile, but that of he who makes you cry./zen


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I was about to say it must be nice building with an endless supply of bricks, but then I read your last paragraph. :P


I am, however, disappointed it's not to scale with the Toa Mata sets. :P


Anyway, looking great! Best of luck!



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