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I Am A Blockhead!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in to give you all an update, while I wait for my school website to stop having errors and let me register for one class, I am taking next semester. Oh, and in case you all are not veteran readers of my blog or simply forgot, the reason that I am taking one class next semester is because that is all I need to graduate with my associate degree. I technically could of been graduating this semester, but the class that I needed to graduate was not offer this semester.


Okay, I am kind of getting off topic here with school stuff, so I am stopped that here and shift gears back to what I want to talk about in this entry, which is fact that spring break went by so fast and got little to nothing done. Like for an example, I want to try and post more here on the forums, but end up doing no such thing due to getting distract by other things. Argh...Why does time have to go by so fast?


But yeah, sorry about that folks, especially to folks that suggest me things to check out and review (Which by the way, I am going to get to as fast as I can possibly can and I will be accepting more suggestions, so feel free to suggest more, if you want.). I'll try and do better about that in the future.


Another thing that I am disappoint with myself about is that I did not get to play nearly as much Pokemon as I would like on this break. I did have some ideas though about some challenges to do in my Diamond and HeartGold games at some point. In particularly, I was thinking about making a team made only of Pikachu and battling Elite Four with just them in my Pokemon Diamond file.


Here is the kicker though, I am going to named each one of them after a Toa Mata, so they will be Team Mata Nui. I might even take a picture of the screen, if I am successful in beating the Elite Four with them. Not only that, but if they are not overlevel, I might transfer them to my HeartGold version and battle all of the Kanto Gym leaders with just them. If they are overleveled though, I will probably just recreate the team in my HeartGold game, so I can still do that.


Yeah, I know it is a bit of a crazy idea, but I think it might be fun to do, so I likely going to at least give it a try. However I do not plan to do it right away as I would like to beat Pokemon Black first before going back to those two games.


Moving on from that, I am blockhead for waiting until yesterday to order something off of LEGO Shop at Home, when I could of gotten double VIP points for the order had I done it before last Thursday. Oh, and what I ordered from LEGO Shop at Home is the Town Hall set, which I am hoping to make something completely different with pieces in that set alone. Its been a while since I work with system bricks, so do not expect a masterpiece to result from this.


And well, that is everything on my mind at this point. No wait...I have to say this. LEGO, why must you make an awesome R2D2 set out of system bricks? Argh...Seriously just take my money, LEGO. Okay, now that's out of way, I really must be going as I got school in the morning and I just finish registering for my course about half an hour ago...


Oops...I almost forgot to ask this question to my fellow MLP: FiM fans, should I buy season 1 and 2 off iTunes or should I buy the physical DVDs? I am kind leaning toward physical DVD angle since I never been overly comfortable with buying digital version of things as I feel less like I own them and more like I am renting them. Although at the same time, I can see benefit of getting it off iTunes as season 2 is still ongoing, so there is no DVD available for it yet. *shrugs* So yeah, I would like to hear your opinion on which option, I should take.


Alright, for real now, good night, BZPers. I'll talk to you all later.




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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If you buy the physical DVDs, you get the unedited version of The Last Roundup.

That's the only difference as far as I can tell.

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