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Game News

Pahrak Model ZX


So it looks like my theory on how Kyurem changes forms was wrong...it doesn't eat another Tao Dragon. Apparently, when it gets really worked up it goes into "Overdrive"...still sort of vague. Oh, and apparently we're now referring to the forms as "Sparkling Blue Black Kyurem" and "Burning Red White Kyurem".

And in relation to Pokemon, Pokemon+Nobunaga's Ambition came out in Japan! It's basically a strategy game that puts Pokemon in feudal Japan. So it looks kind of awesome. I hope it comes to America...

Oh, speaking of which, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is officialy coming to the US in summer! :D


But on to VRHS. I've made a few further adjustments:

-When trading with another player, you cannot give them any Spirits that exceed the current FE restrictions of their Spirit Tracker (see below). Also, you cannot trade your special version exclusive Spirit received near the end of the game or any Spirits that are unobtainable outside of special side-quests.

-Just to be clear, I mentioned that if, during battle, you choose to de-fuse with a Spirit that still has FE left and then fuse with another one, it will cost you one turn.

-When fighting other players, you may each only use up to three Spirits of your choice plus the unique Bioni-Spirit you obtain at the end of the game. However, you cannot use Orbs with an FE count that exceeds the FE limit of the Spirit Tracker (see below) belonging to whichever fighter is at a lower Level, the unique Spirit can only be used if the opponent also has their unique Spirit, and Spirits only obtainable through special side-quests cannot be used unless the opponent has also completed the same quests. Once battle is over, the loser must give 20 W to the winner; if the loser has less than 20 W, then the winner will just take whatever they can. You cannot fight another player if you have no Widgets.

-At Level 5, you will be able to go on two side-quests for special Spirit Tracker attachments: the Magnetic Radar, which allows you to track Vehicle-type Spirits, and the Dimensional Inverter, which allows you to track Spirits with Elements associated with the opposite Version. Both require an additional 1 battle charge on top of the charge necessary for the Spirit's FE. (Since most Vehicle Spirits are Steel, it seems a little unfair to VioletRose players, but don't worry--while you will need the Dimensional Inverter to use the Magnetic Radar, you won't have to charge them both before using it.)

-At Level 6, you will be able to go on a side-quest for the Symbiosis Detector, which will allow you to track Parasite-type Spirits. This also requires an additional 1 battle charge to use.

-For Vehicle and Parasite Spirits, you will find them attached to pilot/host Spirits. The pilot/host will usually be random, falling into the range of how much you charged the Tracker, but for an additional 1 battle charge you can control which pilot/host appears with the Vehicle/Parasite.

-The Dimensional Inverter will only be able to track a Spirit if its Element is the direct opposite of the Element associated with the area you are in. For example, a VioletRose player would only be able to hunt Ice, Air, and Water Spirits in the area associated with Fire, Stone, and Earth; Psionic Spirits in the area associated with Jungle; Light Spirits in the area associated with Shadow; Steel Spirits in the area associated with Thunder; and Dragon Spirits in the area associated with Rahaga. Also, the Dimensional Inverter will not be available when playing your second Version, since you will be able to trade with your first Version counterpart.

-After completing one Version of the game, you will be able to go on side-quests to obtain any ONE fully upgraded Makuta Spirit and a Golden Tahu. You will also be able to start playing the other Version, and will be allowed to operate in both Versions simultaneously so long as you are clear which actions are taking place in which Version (I suggest using VR and HS in a simila manner to IC and OOC). After beating both Versions of the game, you will be able to go on a side-quest to obtain one more fully upgraded Makuta Spirit if you want to, and a side-quest to obtain a Krakha.

-Hoping to add more side-quests, especially for early in the game.

-Also, I removed the player form--it's not an RPG, so I really just need to know what Version you want to play and what Orb you want to start with.


Also, I have come up with (tentative) names for the cities:

In VioletRose: Valor City (Fire/Stone/Earth), Ion City (Thunder), Flora City (Jungle), Eclipse City (Shadow), and Chaos City (Rahaga).

In HonoredSoul: Kaita City (Ice/Air/Water), Adamant City (Steel), Synapse City (Psionics), Shining City (Light), and Wyvern City (Dragon).


As always, suggestions on VRHS are appreciated! Still fine-tuning the Element-Lord rosters and the specific rules for those restricted Spirits...

Oh, and I was thinking that for next week's entry, I may post the introduction to the story I've been working on. It involves Hapori, but in a way kind of different from how I'm using them in my other stories. Having some trouble getting it off the ground, and I was thinking some opinions might help...


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I think that the limitations that you can only use three spirits and the unique spirit (plus the restrictions on those) in PvP battles is way too strict. There should still be rules for PvP battles but this is too much of a good thing. Also the rules about the spoils of victory in PvP battles should be agreed on by both players like in Technic Coliseum.


I like how the Spirit Tracker will work and how you have to get Apps for it to be able to track special spirits.


Will there by any side quests for the Freres? Or will they be unobtainable.


Out of curiosity why is Kaita City not called Wisdom City or something like that?

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My main concern with limitations on PvP battles is that I don't want them to drag on for too long. I don't know how often I or the players will be able to post, and a nine on nine Spirit fight could really crawl along even if updated frequently. Maybe I'll increase it a little, though...

I was thinking of just letting you Track the Freres normally. They're only found around Chaos City (or Wyvern City with a Dimensional Inverter), they all have 200 FE and would require a maxed out charge, and their effects won't activate until you have the Rahaga Code. But I could make side-quests if you want...and perhaps Language Supreme could be a side-quest...

I thought Wisdom City sounded too Psionic-like, and I wanted to avoid confusion. None of the related alternatives souned that good, so I'm using Kaita City for now.

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Five sounds good, not too long but still long enough for a good fight.


Side quests would be better due to the power of the Freres, they are equal in most cases to Makuta.


That makes sense.

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Five including the mascot or five plus the mascot?

Alright, I'll get to work on some Frere side-quests. Still need to think of some side-quests for early in the game...

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