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I'm Commander Herpderp, And I Need Advice Again



Not dead, just very deep into ME3. As always, spoilers ahead. Again, since the spoiler tags don't always work on the Dashboard, here's a rambling bit of needless, pointless text in order to ensure nobody has stuff spoiled. I think that should be good enough, but just to be absolutely certain, here is another sentence. Or maybe even two, for good measure.



Right then, just got the Priority: Earth mission. Misspelling that as "Priority: Death" did not help my confidence, but overall I feel good about the playthrough. However I want to check just to be sure(I know people say it doesn't change anything, but my inner RPG completionist doesn't care, and neither do I. Plus I want to know how good an ending I got), I read somewhere it's 5,000 war assets to get the best ending. At something around 7,000, I have well over that. However since my free subscription to Live - and on that note, why didn't anyone who told me about Live Silver tell me that didn't include online? I knew Microsoft was cheap, but not that much - ran out, I'm down to 55% readiness, so my effective strength is about 4,000. TL;DR, is the 5,000 the number needed for total war assets to get the best ending at any readiness, is it the number of effective strength to get the best ending, or is it something else I heard, that I just need to fill the bar with green?



Thanks, as always. :biggrin:


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Hmm...well, dang, I need a Live card to get the best ending, don't I...well, I was planning to get one anyway while recovering from the jaw surgery...I just wish they were a little cheaper...well, without getting too deep into spoilers, how much worse will I get with 4,000 than 5,000+?

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If I'm not mistaken, past 3000 or so the only effect of EMS is whether or not a certain bonus scene plays for one of the endings. If I'm not mistaken, you should still be able to get this scene with 4000 EMS IF you've been doing something in particular the entire game, namely



Charming or Intimidating the Illusive Man at every possible point. You should have done it on Mars, Thessia, and Chronos Station.


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If I'm not mistaken, past 3000 or so the only effect of EMS is whether or not a certain bonus scene plays for one of the endings. If I'm not mistaken, you should still be able to get this scene with 4000 EMS IF you've been doing something in particular the entire game, namely

Charming or Intimidating the Illusive Man at every possible point. You should have done it on Mars, Thessia, and Chronos Station.


I have indeed been doing that.



I learned my lesson from not doing that to Saren on the Renegon but doing it on the Paragade that if you can seemingly-inconsequentially charm or intimidate someone, it probably has long-term benefits you need.



So then the lost benefits from those 1,000 EMS is negligible?

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As far as I know, yes. And like I said, it only effects one of the endings, so if that's not the ending you get then it won't make a difference anyways. I think you also need maxed-out reputation, but if you don't have that by now it's not like multiplayer would help anyways.

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As far as I know, yes. And like I said, it only effects one of the endings, so if that's not the ending you get then it won't make a difference anyways. I think you also need maxed-out reputation, but if you don't have that by now it's not like multiplayer would help anyways.


Full reputation is also a go, so that's not a concern. I'm pretty sure I've more or less done all I can at this point.

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