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Life And Writing: Getting Act Together



You guys may have noticed my last status update was about computer troubles. Well, I regret to inform you:


They haven't gotten better.


Only one of my family's computers is working right now. Admittedly, it has chatting capabilties...But with everyone demanding their fair share of its use, I'm getting a bit less time than I used to on the 'net.


To further detract from my time, I've become more involved in extracurricular activities (ranking no. 3 in chess club & playing the frg in a mun). I now research UN policy and its countries a lot, and play around six chess games every day; most of this is online.


Finally, I've taken up 10 characters in 4 RPGs.


What does all this add up to?


One very rethinking-personal-RPG-policy Armadijo.


More specifically, it means I'm gonna be allocating less time to each of my chars as I try to 'juggle' all of them by posting for each on separate days. I'm not giving up any. But I'm not going to have time to respond to everything right away like I used to.


I'll provide further updates on the sitch as needed. We may get a new comp at some point soon, but for now, assume me to have much more limited RPing time than I once possessed.


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