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So I Am Reading The Hunger Games For The First Time..

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in to give you a update on the current happens of my life. Which now that think about it, not much has really happen with me today. So I guess I can call this an entry then and post this. :P Nah, I would never do that since it is waste of both yours and my time.


So what am I going to talking about here? I guess I could talk about the weather. The weather here in good old Pennsylvania has been pretty good lately with it mainly being in temperatures of early 70s.


And well, I am loving it, especially when I am at school and I feel like going outside for some fresh air. *cough* Which I only get when I am outside during times after Q-Time since otherwise there are groups of smokers outside. *cough* Really my own complain about the weather here is that it has been too windy lately. That and bees are starting to come out again, so my childhood fear of them is once again striking back with avengeance.


Okay...Wait a second, did I seriously just talk about the weather here? I must have lost it to pick such a topic to discuss in this blog. Seriously I could be talking about my upcoming plans for this year and instead I am waffling on about the weather here. I have half of mind to delete this entry and rewrite it as that, but you know what I am going to roll with it. Why? Because this is a random entry and I would not be me if I did not at least try to retain some of that randomness for my entries.


So what else am I going to talk about? FRINGE obviously, which if you did not know I am huge fan of. Although you probably should of notice that because beside last week, I have posted an entry on every Friday that a new episode has premiere. Of course, like those entries, I am not going to spoil anything about this episode for you in case you miss it or whatever.


I will say this though the episode really pulls at your heart strings and actually starting to make me feel for our side's Lincoln and the whole situation that he is in with our FRINGE team. I also loved the fact that it gave the Other Side some more screen time here since it been getting the shaft end for most of this season. But yeah, I am not going to say anymore than that because I will probably end up spoiling things and we all know how people do not like being spoil of things.


Oh, and speaking of spoiling stories, please do not spoil the Hunger Games for me. Why's that? Because I just start to reading first book today since my sister rent it to me from her Kindle thing. No wait, let me rephrase that, "I just read the first two sentences of the first book today." I'm going at great pace, aren't I? :P lol Okay, so back to seriousness, I would appreciate if you guys would try not to spoil it for me. Also if you guys want, I could try my hand at reviewing the book when I finish it.


In other news, I guess I should take back what I say earlier about the Hiker outside the Chargestone Cave, he was not lying as it really was not a maze like Ortographobia say in the previous entry. So yeah, I jump the gun on that. I am sorry about that guys.


However I will not take back my comment about the random encounter rate there though since I still think it is ridiulous that sometime I will run into Pokemon by just taking one step in that cave. It is pretty useful for training though, so I am not so much complaining about it as I am finding it to be a minor annoyance to deal with when you are more interest in seeing what Team Plasma is up to.


Okay, moving on from that, it appears that I will be getting my Town Hall set tomorrow according to their tracker, so I might take some pictures or something of an unboxing to post as an entry here. You will just have to wait and see what I do exactly. All I know is I am going to have some LEGO fun tomorrow and that is all that matters to me. And with that say, I am going to publish this entry and head off to bed. Night, BZPers.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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Yeah, I am bound to agree with you there since he seems like he ends up being too much of a third wheel (Well, more like a fifth wheel, but you get my point.) when he is around the original FRINGE team. That and he does have a promise to fulfill for a certain someone from that episode.


As for your other comment, while I will admit that I like the other side a lot because all its advantagements in technology and great characters, I have always had a preference for our side on the show. I imagine that the reason for this is because a] I find our side to be more relatable to our own world and b] I am season 1 veteran, so I have grown with our side's team long enough that I really can't help favor their world.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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So I meant to reply to this a long time ago....


Anyway, I recently began reading the Hunger Games, too (finished it ~two weeks ago); have you finished it yet?




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Nope, I have not finish it since I have not even found the time to read it in the past few weeks and I'm pretty sure the Kindle rent thing expires today (My sister rent it to me.), so I am probably going to need to buy a copy of it (Preferly a physical one since I don't like reading off computer screens.) if I really want to check the series out.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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