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Fringe Friday Update

Jedi Master J.


Heya, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give all your daily dose of JMJ today and to tell you all how I loved tonight's episode of FRINGE.


Like usual, of course, I will not be talking about episode in detail in this entry since I do not want to spoil things for those that miss tonight's episode. I will say this though it will leave you with a bunch of questions and tug at your heartstrings some more.


And well, the ending to this episode and the preview to next has gotten me pretty excited for next week as usual. Of course, I do have another reason to be excited about next Friday since Supernatural is back and it will be episode that boys will finally see Bobby as his ghost self (Although I am personally hoping this episode might have Bobby return in the flesh since I miss the dude and the boys really need him.). I can't wait to watch both those episodes next Friday (Note: I am DVRing Supernatural since FRINGE needs my viewship support more to survive.).


Oh, and speaking of next week, I am also celebrating my two year anniversary of working on the 19th (Thursday). Hm...Actually I don't think celebrating is the right word choice there, but basically I am just taking pride in fact that I have been able to hold on to this job for so long. Then again, I guess you could say I am celebrating it by working since I am in on that day. :P In addition to that event, I am turning twenty the next day, not that matters really. It just another day in life of JMJ that you would be better off not hearing about.


Moving on from that, I guess I can tell you all that I still have not found the time to look for that missing piece, so my review of the Town Hall set will remain on hold until I get around to that. Another thing worth mentioning is that I have not forgotten about Johnny Thunder short story plans, I made awhile back, and I still have every intention on write it.


You see I just have not mention it since that entry because I am little too busy working on school work at the moment to be writing fan fiction stuff. Plus, I kind of want to make a MOC of a musuem to tie into the story, which again I can't do now until I have a little more free time on my hands.


Hm...I probably should mention this here as well. So you know how I say I am going to try to go to BrickFair this year? Well, I am pretty sure now that it is not going to happen, so apologizes to those that actually want to meet me (I personally can't understand why anyone would though since I am no one special and you probably have a much better time without me.). Well, I guess I should say I am 50% sure it won't happen, so you could say I have no given up hope yet. Still I would not hold your breath, if I were you.


And well, that's all my news that I got for you today. Thanks for taking the time to read this guys. And if you could take the time to vote on my Final Inventor Project here, I would greatly appreciate. Alright, night, BZPers. *DVRing Legend of Korra due to being at work when it airs tomorrow.*



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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It was a good episode for sure. Though if you don't have a Nielson box, it doesn't matter if you watch it live, they base ratings only off of the households with Nielson boxes.

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@Rarity: Sorry about that.


@DeeVee: Yeah, I don't have Nielson Box (Which I think is horrible system to base ratings on). But my reasoning for wanting to watch them live is mainly just there to show my symbolic support of them being renew for another season.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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