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To The Beach

Watashi Wa


So I'll be leaving to go to the beach tomorrow. I'll be gone until late Friday, so don't expect to see much of me (I haven't been on much anyways, but, I just had to post a formal notice of absence). So yeah, I can't wait. I haven't been to the beach in about a year.


Anywho, Six Flags was a b.l.a.s.t. The "Goliath" is their newest coaster and it was awesome. It wasn't anything too special, but with all the hills you pretty much get airborne and "lose your stomach", which is the best feeling evar. But "The Superman" is really cool, too, with that inverted loop and all. You're actually lying on your stomach for the ride, and the inverted loop actually loops you toward the ground, so you get thrown to the back of your seat. It's hard to describe, but you'd know what I'm talking about if you went on it. :P


Gah, roller coasters are awesome. I want to go back to Six Flags now.


Hmmm, designing coasters would be an awesome job...


Recommended Comments

Get a structural (or civil) engineering degree, and try to get in early: amusement park ride design work is EXTREMELY difficult to get.


Not as difficult as, say, movie preview announcer. But close.




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You sound like you speak from experience. But as much as I'd love to do that, it just doesn't seem very practical. It's certainly not a growing field with many open spots, so it'd be very difficult to get into.


Maybe going the culinary route would be better...

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