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This place is still around? Awesome.


Hi, guys. What's up?


Haven't been around here in awhile. So much going on, it's like real life has become my actual life, hahaha. But no, I actually thought I would just check in, drop by, say hi, and add a few words to the conversation regarding life and the grand meaning of everything.


You know. That conversation.


OK, well, put it this way: I started writing this in my head at 3 a.m. and decided I would actually sit down and do it. So here I am.


Bionicle is dead, long live Bionicle... IN OUR HEARTS, MAN. PEACE.


It was a good thing. It brought us together and inspired us to do things that, looking back, we're really glad we had the chance to do. I have no regrets, whatsoever. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who was involved. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore an imaginary world together, create cool things, and have a whole bunch of good times.


And it lives on, truly, as long as any of us are alive. More than a few of us are still around, feeling it, still using what it gave us to create cool new things. Lord knows I've not been so active on that front now, but I am still here, and I do feel it. I make stuff, slowly perhaps, but the satisfaction I get from it has yet to fade away. I still hesitate to call what I do “art,” but only because of the self-importance conjoined to that term. I enjoy building. That's all.


People, why are we here? Think about it. I know for a fact that you're here because you want to be here. If you wanted to be elsewhere, then why would you be here?


Oh, I am that clever. Stick me with the fork that's not a spoon, 'cause there's no spoon here, just bendy thought-stuff, but don't do it yet, 'cause I'm not quite done, just getting warmed up here.


Ahroooooooooo! Make me howl, dog.


What the dickens is going on out there? Have you ever seen a world so crazy? Yeah, and it's crazier than you think. You know what Einstein said about the universe and human stupidity. The only two things that were infinite, and he wasn't too sure about the former. Well, I'm not here to point out the obvious. Or to push anything on you that wouldn't do you any good to begin with. Like cynicism. Because cynicism is sabotage – and why would you want to do that?


They say the world's coming to an end? Let me tell you a secret: the world ends more times in a second than there are video frames in a season of, I dunno, pick a show. House MD. (cause i'm addicted to house. friggin' awesome show. also, game of thrones. my god, you have not lived until you've seen that show. heaven can wait, trust me. just watch the show.) So what are you worried about? Life is a game, where you can either win, or die. Except that you can't win. So... you make your time count for something besides winning. Because whatever prize you've got in your sights, I guarantee you it's not what you really wanted once you've got it. There is no prize. No winners. No losers. Just you and me and the whole shebang, going on and changing all the time. Actors on the stage, like the playwright said. It's just a big show.


Do you get to choose your role, or is it preordained? Well, I haven't seen the script. Maybe it gets made up as we go. Maybe the whole concept of a linear plot is just our minds' desperate attempt to make sense of a higher-dimensional reality that's beyond our ability to comprehend. An illusion for the purpose of simplification. I like to think that.


So what really matters? What's the secret? Well, gosh. I don't know. And how could I ever tell you if I did? Besides... it's a secret. But, I can try to give you a hint. Here. If you look at what you do with your life, you'll see what matters to you in actual, manifest terms. And if you ask yourself, deep down, what really matters... well, somewhere in there is the answer to that. If there's any kind of secret, it's to make those two match up. Best of luck; I'm nowhere near that stage – and I doubt I'll ever be.


See what happens when you dig so deep? It's all in your mind, and it's all questions. Forget it. There's a simpler way.


Live your life. Be who you are. I guarantee you that'll get you where you're going. And if part of who you are is to ask all those tough questions, then that's what you've gotta do. Love what you do. Do it with all you've got. Please. The world needs that.


OK, that's all I got. Have a totally weird two thousand twelve. I have, so far. It's fun. (Except when it's not. But that goes without saying, so I won't say it.)


If you've got words of your own, they're more than welcome and much appreciated. :)







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