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Bionicle Rahi!



For all of you who dont know about bionicle rahi.Hers som inf(a lot of info).


# Archives Beast - A creature locked up in the Onu-Metru Archives. It can take any shape it wishes, and once took the form of an empty room to trap Toa Whenua and Nuju.

# Archives Mole - Small moles that used to dwell in Po-Metru before migrating to the Archives. They eat insects and microscopic Protodites. Archives Moles are great at working together, forming living bridges and ladders. Their main survival tactic is to run and hide, and Rahaga Bomonga finds it hard to coax them out of their hidey-holes.

# Artakha Bull - A swift, strong, hostile, and noble centaur/minotaur that's good at tracking. Probably the inspiration for a myth about a mutant Kane-Ra bull that guards a network of tunnels. Said to be smarter than an average Matoran, and according to legend the only Rahi allowed into Artakha, the Great Refuge.

# Ash Bear - A large bear that lives in Le-Wahi. Toa Lewa has a special fondness for these types of Rahi, particularly one named Graalok. (A toy model sometimes labled as a "Graalok ash bear" is actually a form of Makuta called "Makuta Nui")

# Blade Burrower - A terrifying, tunneling Rahi, with a clublike tail and scything claws. Their tunnels are easily mistaken for Matoran-made ones. Rahaga Bomonga thinks that their digging is not random, and they seem to be building something with the tunnels they carve.

# Bog Snake - Poisonous snake Rahi that live in muddy shallows and swamps of Le-Wahi. (Formerly called "Kuna"; see "Name Changes" below)

# Brakas - A mischievous monkey Rahi that is commonly found in Le-Wahi.

# Burnak - Four-legged Rahi seen on Voya Nui; though it's hard to tell whether they're canine, feline, or some other kind of animal. Some Burnak have been tamed as Matoran pets. There are different elemental breeds like Fire Burnak, Air Burnak, Stone Burnak, and even Protodermis Burnak.

# Cable Crawler - A many-legged Rahi that lives in the cables of Le-Metru. It uses its Rhotuka to cause vertigo. They have been known to nest in airships and devour Rahi shipments.

# Caravan Crawler - see "Lava Crawler"

# Catapult Scorpion - A scorpion Rahi with many pincers, teeth, and spines. It can materialize balls of magma from its tail that quickly cool into rock; it can then fling these balls as weapons. Catapult Scorpions tend to follow Kikanalo herds and feed on what they dig up.

# Cave Fish - A fish Rahi, similar to a puffer fish, that can absorb water to "inflate" itself and intimidate predators.

# Chute Lurker - A spidery Rahi that hides in chutes to capture prey that's speeding by. After many chutes were damaged in the Great Cataclysm, Chute Lurkers have been forced to find new hunting grounds.

# Colony Drone- A small bipedal Rahi that uses its Rhotuka spinners to reenergize Visorak. They are completely docile and do not object to their treatment at the Visorak's hands. Rahaga Iruini and Bomonga have suggested freeing them to cripple the Visorak; but Norik and Gaaki objected, saying once that happened the Drones would be easy prey.

# Crystal Climber - Large Rahi that live atop Knowledge Towers and eat Ice Bats. They have sharp claws, a long tail for balance, and great night vision. Once they get settled in a good hunting area, they are extremely hard to remove.

# Dagger Spider - A kind of spider that lives mainly in Voya Nui's green belt. Dagger spiders don't bite, but rather inject paralyzing venom through their sharp front legs.[9]

# Daikau - A carnivorous jungle plant. Considered a Rahi because it (barely) has the ability to think.

# Dermis Turtle - A small, peaceful, turtle Rahi with an almost impenetrable silver shell. They are good weather indicators - if they retreat into their shells, a storm is on the way. Rahaga Gaaki says they also have a musical cry that Ga-Matoran have gotten used to and even enjoyed.

# Devourer - Small swarm Rahi that eat inorganic protodermis: tools, buildings, weapons - even Rahkshi armor with the Kraata still in it!

# Dikapi - A flightless desert bird Rahi. Dikapi are excellent runners, and Po-Matoran have trained some to carry scouts and messengers.

# Doom Viper - A six-headed snake Rahi. It has toxic breath, and got into Ga-Metru by way of a merchant ship arriving from a distant land.

# Dweller in the Deep - A sea monster large enough to swallow the Great Temple. Toa Nokama found a Great Kanoka Disk wedged in its teeth.

# Fader Bull - A bull Rahi that can teleport away from danger (though they have been known to teleport into solid objects on occasion). Rahaga Pouks says that to capture them, scare a herd of them and look where the first one teleports; you might get there in time to catch the third or fourth.

# Fenrakk - A kind of spider with acidic saliva; see under "Featured Rahi" above.

# Fikou spider - A dangerous tree spider Rahi that is commonly found in Le-Wahi. It comes in orange and black coloring, with the orange ones being found in Le-Wahi more commonly. A variety with pincers and a stinger has been seen on Voya Nui.

# Fire Entity - A Rahi which is made of flame, and can burn hotter than even a Toa of Fire can potentially handle.

# Fireflyer - Flying swarm Rahi who have bites that make you feel like you're on fire.

# Frost Beetle- Big beetle Rahi that try to force their way into Knowledge Towers and even eat the memory crystals there. The theory is that they actually absorb intelligence from the crystals they consume and share it through a hive-mind.

# Frost Leech - A small sluglike being that absorbs heat from other beings in order to survive.

# Frostelus - Rahi living in icebergs that floated in from the north after the Great Cataclysm. They're considered to be somewhere between a Rahi and a Matoran.

# Furnace Salamander - Reptile Rahi that reside in Ta-Metru, with long limbs for leaping and climbing. Not hostile unless provoked, their bite has been described as like "a thousand red-hot needles".

# Fusa - A kangaroo-like Rahi with powerful hind legs. Natural enemies of Muaka.

# Gadunka - A sea Rahi living in the Pit. Details are unknown, but it is not one of the guardians of the Mask of Life.[10]

# Gafna - Small rodents seen on Voya Nui. Different breeds exist for each of the six main elements, such as Water Gafna, Earth Gafna, and Ice Gafna.

# Gate Guardian - A large Rahi that projects the image of a smaller vision of itself while keeping its real form invisible. They are an ally of the Visorak.

# Ghekula - An amphibious frog Rahi. M

# - A 'Dragon Lizard' that thrives around lava; legends say they even feed on the fire.

# Hoi - see "Shore Turtles"

# Hoto - Firebug Rahi that live in Ta-Wahi. Considered as pests, they tunnel through rocks and buildings by giving off searing heat.

# Husi - An ostrich Rahi that is often found in Po-Wahi.

# Hydruka - Scorpion/crab sea Rahi with sharp fangs that can fire solidified air from their tails. Though described as "stubborn" and "bad-tempered", Hydruka have been domesticated to collect air bubbles for the Matoran of Mahri Nui. Two of the tamed Hydruka are named Morak and Thulox.

# Ice Bats - A bat Rahi that is a nuisance to Ko-Matoran Seers as they knock over their instruments. Rahaga Kualus claims one ice bat can outrun a Kikanalo herd.

# Ice Vermin - A rodent Rahi that travels in packs to attack larger creatures. Its Rhotuka can create earthquakes.

* Kavinika - Wolflike, bipedal Rahi once used by Matoran scientists to guard certain places and things. Unfortunately, they were overly aggressive, and there have been failed attempts to drive them out of Metru Nui. Their population is rapidly increasing for some unknown reason.

* Keetongu - Intelligent, humanoid Rahi with venom-curing powers. Only one of this species still exists; see under "Featured Rahi" above.

* Keras - A coral crab Rahi. Some Ga-Matoran tried to tame them as Onu-Matoran have tamed Ussal crabs, but the Keras proved too hostile for training. The ones that live in the Pit are especially aggressive, and Carapar has these as part of his army.

# Kirikori Nui - A huge locust Rahi. These creatures periodically appear on Mata Nui in massive swarms, devouring all vegetation in sight.

# Kofo-Jaga - A smaller cousin of the Nui-Jaga scorpion. They love heat and will track down lava, but hate the light. Not much of a threat alone, but very dangerous in swarms - they've even defeated a Manas with their fiery stings.

# Kraawa - A long-necked Rahi with the ability to absorb any kinetic energy used against it, using this force to grow larger. Though a gentle and non-aggressive species, this power makes it one of the most problematic Rahi to face.

# Krahka - A race of shapeshifting Rahi; see under "Featured Rahi" above. Only one female has been seen; according to Rahaga Pouks, the rest of her kind were wiped out by the Visorak.

# Kuma-Nui - A giant rat Rahi, appearing to be similar in size and strength to a Muaka or Kane-Ra.

# Kuna - see "Bog Snake"

# Lava Ape - A large ape Rahi on Voya Nui. Though fierce, they can be easily distracted and avoided.

# Lava Crawler - An ill-tempered Voya Nui Rahi that enjoys watching the Valmai lava flows. The Piraka have captured several of these creatures, stripped away their outer shells, and repurposed them as living war vehicles called Caravan Crawlers..[12]

# Lava Eel - An eel Rahi that increases its skin temperature as it gets upset, even to the point where it can melt through metal.

# Lava Hawk - A bird on Voya Nui that's impervious to heat. Matoran often collect metallic scales shed from its wings to make boats that can withstand lava.[13]

# Lava Rat - A horned rodent Rahi that can spontaneously burst into flames.

# Lightfish - Small glowing Rahi that thrive in the waters of Ga-Wahi. They look sort of like jellyfish, and are often put inside tubes/jars and are placed inside Ga-Matoran huts to illuminate them.

# Lohrak - Large winged serpent Rahi. With fast flight and sharp fangs, a swarm of them can defeat even a Toa. Lohrak mutated by the Visorak's Hordika venom have been known to gain sonic powers, including a power scream and the ability to create creatures of pure sonic force.

# Mahi - A horned goatlike Rahi that can be tamed as pack animals. Often found in Po-Koro.

# Makika - A large and very dangerous toad Rahi. Makika toads have few natural predators because they are naturally poisonous, but Matoran sometimes use their acidic venom in tunneling through stone.

# Makuta Fish - A rather ugly fish Rahi with razor-sharp teeth. Toa Matau named them after their likeness to Makuta.

# Pokawi - A flightless bird Rahi of Le-Wahi. They scatter when attacked, which serves to confuse the predator.

# Proto Drake - A big "Loch Ness Monster"-type creature that lives in Ga-Metru and swims the canals and sea; they can also "swim" slowly through the air. They get their name from the fact that they occasionally bathe in Ta-Metru's molten protodermis. They are a peaceful species, and are welcomed by Ga-Matoran because they feed on sharks.

# Protocairn - Amphibious Rahi which are believed to be matoran who willingly exposed themselves to energized protodermis. They appear occasionally to wreak destruction on coastlines, but they quickly die and their bodies form new landmass that replaces the old.

# Protodax - Protodites that have grown trillions of times their normal size from the power of the Mask of Life. At least one Protodax also has a Zamor Launcher (taken from one of its victims) whose spheres shrink targets to microscopic size permanently - the same size as its millions of protodite brethren. They also split into two with each strike from an enemy.

# Protodites - Violent, microscopic Rahi that escaped from the Archives. Zaktan's body is made up of billions of protodites, each of which holds part of his consciousness.

# Rahi Nui - A mutant beast made of other Rahi parts and bred to hunt Toa. See under "Featured Rahi" above.

# Rahkshi-Headed Serpent - A horned snake with a head like a Rahkshi's. It can change colors to camoflouge itself and fire electricity from its horns.

# Ranama - A toad Rahi that lives in Ta-Wahi lava flows and preys on Nui-Rama - and anything else that gets too close.

# Razor Whale - A whale that lives off the coast of Ga-Metru. They have spines running down their backs that intimidate predators; and become easier to tame once the spines fall off. Too docile for their own good, they had no idea how to protect themselves from the extremely aggressive Visorak armies.

# Rock Lion - A creature that lives in the Archives' lowest levels. It has sharp teeth and claws, and its mane becomes white-hot when angered.

# Rock Raptor - A huge raptor Rahi that is one of Po-Metru's main predators. They trap prey bigger than themselves by using their tools to weaken slopes and trigger landslides.

# Rock Ussal - see "Ussal Crab"

# Rockworm - Rockworms are small Rahi, but carnivorous and poisonous.

# Ruki - A common fish Rahi with strong jaws. They occasionally bite unsuspecting Matoran fingers that happen to stray into the water. They are also the natural enemies of Tarakava, and Ruki schools have been known to drive the larger Rahi off.

# Sand Snipe - Annoying biting insects from Po-Metru. Living in the desert, sand snipes are so enthralled by water that they march directly to any puddle and quickly drown.

# Sand Tarakava - A smaller, yellow desert relative of the Tarakava. It likes to hide under the sand waiting for its prey, and is the natural enemy of Kikanalo.

# Sea Spider - A Rahi who is one of the few known predators of the Visorak. It uses front legs to shrink the target to a manageable size, and its Rhotuka throws the enemy into temporary stasis. Sea Spiders actively hate one another and always fight when they meet.

# Shore Turtles - A flying turtle Rahi that lives in Le-Wahi. (Formerly called "Hoi", see "Name Changes" below)

# Silver Chute Spider - A large spider Rahi. It uses extremely thin and strong webs to catch Gukko birds; the webs are laced with fast-acting paralyzing venom. Silver Chute Spiders lurk near protodermis chutes, as the name suggests. They seem to be the only creatures the Visorak have ignored, as the Visorak seem to sense they are related.

# Spinax - An "energy hound" that aids the guard robot Maxilos.

# Spiny Stone Ape - A large Rahi that defend themselves by curling up into a ball, exposing their foreclaws, bladed tail, and spiny hide. They have a symbiotic relationship with Rock Raptors, living in Raptor-carved caves while providing considerable defense.

# Squid - Fully organic sea life that can suck life energy from targets. The Barraki use them as weapons. (See "Squids" section under Barraki)[15]

# Stone Rat - Rats that will eat ANYTHING.

# Tahtorak - Massive 40 foot dragon Rahi that can speak Matoran. Only one Tahtorak has been seen so far; see under "Featured Rahi" above.

# Takea - Giant shark Rahi whose name literally means "King of sharks". Was said to be the most dangerous aquatic creature until the Tarakava came under Makuta's control through the use of infected masks. Pridak leads an army of Takea.

# Vahki Hunters - Tall, humanoid Rahi. These beasts are troll-like, possessing fierce teeth and claws, and also have a pair of vestigial wings. They hunt and destroy robots and machinery. Their favorite prey are Vahki, which they catch by lunging out of holes in disused buildings.

# Vako - A great horned, rhinocerous-like Rahi that roams the plains and can charge at high speeds. (See "Name Changes" below)

# Vatuka - An elemental rock creature that lives in Onu-Wahi. A Vatuka once kidnapped Turaga Whenua. The rock creatures that the Energized Protodermis Entity created to attack the Toa Metru may in fact be Vatuka.

# Venom Eel - A distant relation to the lava eel that delivers fast-acting poison through its fangs. Relies mainly on sight to find prey. Likes to stay hidden until prey comes close, and is camouflaged in shadow by completely black scales and a layer of slime. Ehlek leads an army of venom eels.

# Venom Flyer - A flying Rahi that travels with Visorak. It specializes in catching flying Rahi. Its Rhotuka can prevent the target from flying naturally or mechanically.


Enjoy!This took me forever to make.

~D5 :tohu:




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