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Kid Icarus: Uprising

Blessed Blade


Alternative Titles: This Is A Must Play Game.


Okay, gonna start this entry with this... G-FOOOOOORE IN MY FAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!


... Okay, joking aside, I'm gonna start off by saying this game is amazing, and if you don't have it, but have a 3DS, pick this up as soon as you can; because it is one of the best games I've played.(Still think Tales of the Abyss is slightly better, but the multiplayer gives this a lot of replay value. =D)


The controls might take a little of getting used to, but eventually, it's one of the simplest control schemes I've ever used. I'd say it's better than Dual Analogs, and even rivals the Motion Controls from Goldeneye.


Multiplayer is amazing as well, though it's like everyone took a level in strength today, since I kept getting owned by Club users. But it can't really get 'broken', since there's a counter for everything. ... Well, everything except the Daybreaker, but if you let someone get all three pieces, that's your problem. =P But, that said, if you let someone get it, you'd better hope you're not the Angel in Light vs. Dark, or that the Angel isn't anywhere near you, as you're not dodging that attack, unless you're really lucky, and the opponent badly misses. =P


And the storyline... Oh man, the storyline. I was honestly very surprised; I was expecting a very good storyline from what people were saying... I was wrong. It was and awesome, and very funny too, storyline! The sheer number of references is awesome, and I liked how it was able to poke fun at so many things. =P I won't spoil anything, though, since it's too hamazing to be spoiled.


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This is easily one of the greatest games I have ever played. The multiplayer is insanely fun when you have multiple friends with the game... even if my younger brother just keeps wiping the floor with me.


Club users are annoying... until I learned that you can't block a melee dash attack quickly enough with them. Nothing like a Taurus Arm with +4 Melee Dash attack and Speed Boost to smash through anyone in your way.


The storyline was insane, hilarious, and overall enjoyable. I quite like how the game wasn't as serious as most others, yet still made the fight against Medusa completely awesome.

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Pyrrhon: I knew you'd played it. =P Up for a match sometime?(Not today, though.) Also, good idea about the club counter.


Lyichir: Definitely.

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Well yeah, I suppose it might be rather obvious. XD. Sure, I'd be up for a battle sometime. It works wonders in a battle with all foes wielding clubs... as long as you can dodge the slow moving charge shots.

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1. Yep. =P I was suspicious of it before I played the game, and it simply confirmed those suspicions when I did play it.


2. Alright, sometime tomorrow? Probably won't be doing much tonight, of course.


3. Yeah, I'd bet. Bumblebee sometimes works too, but it depends on who attacked first.(And unfortunately, I haven't run into anyone named 'Han Solo'. =P)

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1. I actually chose this name just for the reason of being able to shout out Pyrrhon quotes and not get quite as many strange replies.


2. Sure, I'm up for a fight Tomorrow from when you posted that.


3. I hate Bumblebee... it never actually seems to work for me, only enemies. XD (Or Stormtrooper, because even if they attack, they'll never hit you.)

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1. Very good idea. =P I'm now contemplating changing to Pit for my name change, just for a similar reason.


2. It'd be fine from anytime now. Tomorrow from when I posted that would be 8:57 PM my time today. =P


3. I know the feeling. xD Though, it, combined with In-peril Autododge, means that I last about 10 seconds longer than I would otherwise. I can't seem to get normal dodging to work, for some odd reason. 0_o

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I've noticed 'Hades' on the Forum, along with 'Dark Pit' and 'Thanatos the Hamazing'. I don't think anyone has chosen to use Pit yet, so the name might be open.


I'm fine any time now too, though we'd have to exchange friend codes first.


I find invisibility is my friend, along with Energy charge. Sure, foes can see the energy charge glow around me still, but they often seem to think that it's an attack not a person. Then, with full energy charge, a running dash attack from my Taurus arm can do 450 damage. It's fun punching an angel and watching their health drop drastically. XD

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Well, Hades might be anything, really. =P I'll look; if it's taken, I might just make a modification. =P /EDIT: No, I was wrong, Alku is using this Hades. =P


Hmm, I don't think I've tried Energy Charge yet, should do so soon. =P


Good matches, by the way. Wish that there could be more than just bots, but we'd need that tournament going on, as talked about in the KI topic.(I think there's only 2 people left for the LVD teams) I might put up the tournament organization in the blog, and schedule it out so that everyone can actually play the matches when they're going on. =)

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Yep, Kid Icarus fever has spread throughout the forum now. At first I thought Hades would be because of the Mythological god, but then I saw their Avatar and realized, no, it's Kid Icarus. XD


It's rather useful, but it makes a glow around you, so... it has it's consequences, such as being visible even when invisible.


Thanks, you too. That claw you were using was mean, and hard to evade. So do I. I know four other people with Kid Icarus, but getting everyone for a tournament online at once would be quite a challenge.

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1. Same here. xD I had seen it before playing, but thought it was just a random form of Hades. No, not quite so much. =P I don't mind that, though. =D There'll be a Pittoo(Or at least Dark Pit) soon as well. =D Well, likely a month from now, due to name change restrictions, but...


Ah, I see. *Nods*


Sorry. =P It didn't help that I kept putting lightweight on. xD And yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge. I'm not quite sure how I'll work that, but we'll see. =D I'd post a link in the Uprising topic, but I was the last poster. ^_^'

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Yeah, I had no idea at first, then after playing... XD. I thought there already was someone going by Dark Pit... maybe they changed...


So if you keep using the same strategy against the same people... they learn to shoot the glow and that really doesn't work well for the person using it.


Lightweight... so that's how you were moving so fast, I thought you had something like +4 speed on a really fast claw. XD. I can get a post out in it so you can link, not a probkem.

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1. There is, I didn't realize it at first. =P


2. Yeah, I can see how that would be bad. =P


3. I got a link up in the mean time. =D And yes, though I do have +2 Running Speed on my Tiger Claws. =P

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It took me a while to realize about Hades. XD


Indeed... and my brother realized palms still home in on invisible foes...


I figured, that thing was fast! The speed boosts on my arm just can't keep up. XD

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Well, the guy's named Dark Pit, and has an avvie of Dark Pit, so... =P


Ouch. xD


Hehe. =P I find it hilarious when I accidentally run right past the enemy I'm trying to fight. ... Hate it when I accidentally run off the bridge in the lava stage. >_>'

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Yeah, and Hades has a Hades avatar, and Pyrrhon... he needs his Pyrrhon avatar back. XD




I hate when an enemy just sidestep my charging uppercut of instant death, then shoot me and I lose the instant death because my energy charge is destroyed. The Lava stage is EVIL, I spend probably more time falling in lava than I do on the ground. XD

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1. Hah, yes, he definitely does. =P


2. That's what's called 'uh-oh'.


3. Haha. xD That does sound fun, though. The energy charge part, not the lava, as I get that. =P Maybe we should test that out, force ourselves to get better at fighting on it. xD

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And now he has it back! Pyrrhon has now gifted BZPower with his glorious image!


Yeah, or "How did that hit me?! I'm invisible!", to which my brother replies. "I can still see your character's shadow."


Yeah, training there would be a really good idea, that way my Taurus arm doesn't end up cooked into hamburgers. XD

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1. Sweet. =D


2. Haha, that's true. Playing Dead is slightly better at that, though it's duration isn't that great...


3. Nice. xD But yeah, I'm up for a match whenever you are, and training there would make it so we both don't get cooked up. =) Though, hard to avoid that if you get bashed in, but whatever. =P

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2. It lasts for longer than invisibility if you don't move, only shoot. Moving shuts it off.


3.I can't right now I'm afraid, I have a lot of work to do for my chemistry class. Maybe when I finish we can do some fights.

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it's great for something slow like a Cannon. I play dead, then start blasting without worrying about evading fire or being hit because I'm too slow. Just be careful not to accidentally melee attack, as it counts as moving.


Alright, I will as soon as I finish.

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Yep, it would be great for that, if only I could aim one of those at farther than ten feet distance. XD


Well, Chemistry has been slayed, so I'm up for a game if you are.

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