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The Winds Are Changing...



Ah, yes, change is good...




Yes, I love The Lion King, but that wasn't the point of this entry.


The point is, the weather is improving. Today was sorta blustery but yesterday, oh man, yesterday, it was EIGHTY DEGREES OUT! I mean, but a week ago I was freezing my fingers off and there was snow on the ground! And yesterday was so beautiful! Nothing more than a nice breeze, sun hot enough to make you genuinely sweat without even excercising,




Yeah. We went to the playground, me an' my sister, and there were a bunch of kids there, and I ended up in a very large game of keep-away-from-the-mob-of-children. I was very good at it, took them a good long while to get me. It's probably because I can jump from 10 feet in the air down to the ground safely, while they can't. When I'm on the equipment, so are they. When I get off, well, they're still on.


But alas I was cornered in a situation where I'd have to jump, and below there was already a throng waiting like expectant sharks before a meal.


I hit the ground running, which means my knees weren't doing the very useful job of recoiling from the impact.


I hit the ground a second time as my legs also failed to perform the necessary task of keeping me balanced. This time it was much harder and I got woodchips down my side.


Then I had a bunch of little fists beating on my back and generally causing pain and discomfort so I called a time-out (most of the kids ignored it) so I could brush myself off and empty the woodchips from my shoes.


All in all a fun day, though I had to take a shower as soon as I came back.


We went there today, too, and there were less kids so I didn't get mauled quite so much.


Fun times.


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