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Fringe Season Finale, School, And Randomness

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. It is time upon more for my daily Friday FRINGE episode entry. This entry is kind of special from others though because today's episode was this season finale, which means this will be last FRINGE Friday entry until the next season starts up.


And boy, I can't wait for that season to start. I mean yeah, I know it is not going to be as long as this season, which means it is going be a pretty compacted season. I also pretty sure that a lot of my questions are probably not going to get answer at all.


However I do have some faith in the writers at least providing us with a good and pleasing end to all this. Hopefully they don't pull a Prison Break on me and say, "Hey, here is the ending to series. *flash-forward to Michael's grave* You want to know how it happen. Well, buy the made for TV movie that we won't actually be airing on TV ever." Seriously FRINGE, please do not do that!


But anyway, on to the episode itself, I thought it was a great episode and I really love all references that it made to previous seasons. It also not surprisingly linked up quite well with episode 19th's future, so I think it is pretty much guarantee that season 5 will be mostly about that. I do hope though that they try to give the other side some screen time as I would like to know how they doing after 24 years of being out of contact with our side. If not that, at the very least I want them to touch base with the other side at end of that season, so we know that everything is going alright for them and that maybe they found a way to heal their universe without the bridge.


Back to the episode itself though, I really loved this timeline's version of Bell since it does related quite well to what we knew of the original Bell. What I mean that is we always knew Bell had an ego and was always after immortalizing himself in history (Just look at last season when he came back from the dead and shown little care at all that he was using Olivia's body to do it. Sure, he did leave eventually and was experimenting with Walter on ways of separating himself from Olivia's body, but he did not make this his top priority until Peter kind of forced it on him.). Plus, it will also mean that really Bell was funding ZFT (Well, at least this timeline one was.).


Hm...You know thinking about the original Bell really makes me wish he could make a reappearance, so we could of explore his character some more like we did with his counterpart here. I doubt that will happen though since new timeline appears to be staying. But man, I would loved it if Leonard Nimoy would sign on next season to do a few episodes for FRINGE, even if it wasn't the original Bell and this new timeline one. Seriously, that would be too awesome for words.


Alright, I think I say enough about FRINGE here. And beside, I don't want to say too much here as otherwise I'll be spoiling stuff for you guys and I don't want do that. So in other news, I got my grades in Technical Mechanics today and surprisingly enough I got an A in the class, which personally I find shocking since I had trouble with the math a lot.


I also got my grade in 3D CAD on the day of finals last Wednesday and it was also an A. Although obviously that wasn't a surprised to me since I basically taught the class how to use Inventor for most part. Heck, a classmate of mines actually recommended me to an instructor in CAD lab that I should become a tutor. No idea if I will though since this semester pretty much told me I should not take on too much of work in between classes and work. *shrugs*


Outside of those two classes, I have wait for grades for my independent study course and my Design Fixture course to be add. That and a course from last semester, which was given an extension (This is due to fact that instructor lost a loved one) until the end of this semester to get the grade in. So yeah, I am still on pins and needles waiting for those grades to be submitted. Hopefully they are as good as the above grades.


In less school related news, I been re-watching a lot of SPIRIT's PSAs and I must say I miss this guy's humor. I really wish he could come back to BZPower and do funny stuff like again. Am I the only one that misses him? ... That's all I have to say here, so I guess I'll more on from that and mention I got a PS3 with Portal 2. Yay! Obviously I can't play with current DLC though. But still it is awesome to finally get to play it after having it unable to play on your computer for so long.


If there is one thing that annoys me about the system, it is having to charge my controllers before you can actually just to play it. That and you have to jump through hoops to get a Playstation Network account, which actually was kind of waste of time anyway since co-op between Steam and PS3 kept failing to properly work when my sister and I try to do it (We would of try the split screen thing, but we couldn't figure out how to add the other controller to the console. I probably should read the instruction booklet. lol).


Ultimately I ended up playing a bit of single play campaign before FRINGE started today at 9 PM, which I must say it was quite fun. The controls are bit jarring to get used to, but then again that it is probably because I am too used to Nintendo style controllers (Which can't be help when you been playing or watching Nintendo products since you were one.). Although it is worth noting that in some places, I did move intently slow, so I can get Wheatley's comments for people that have no idea what they are doing as I wanted a good laugh at the dialog.


Well, that's all I have for you guys today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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:kaukau: I haven't actually watched Fringe, and because of a comment from a cousin of mine that offended me part of me doesn't want to. I personally really love Smallville, and he told me "Trust me, after the first episode of Fringe it will become your favorite TV series ever."


I hate that. I hate it when he says those things. He's always watching something different from me and narrow-mindedly certain that what he watches is best and that he knows what real storytelling is. I personally don't like Terry Pratchett much, but he practically worships Terry Pratchett and says that writers such as J.K. Rowling are bad writers as a matter of pure fact and decries their incompetence. If he doesn't like it, it's bad literature. I'm not like that because I understand that there are different types of appeal and different purposes that stories can manifest. I'm not denying that Terry Pratchett is "true culture", only that I enjoy his style.


You know what? I don't care that some shows have more intense premises and are better at creating a complex and intact storyline throughout the course of several seasons. I know they're entertaining and they're good from the standpoint of having a great plot, but that doesn't automatically qualify them for the timeless material that I find in shows like Smallville and Arthur the Friendly Aardvark.


Now, I don't want you to think that I'm not interested in Fringe. I am. It's just that I'm currently annoyed with my cousin and my first thoughts will be of how overrated it is because of him and his insults to my preferences in storytelling.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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:kaukau: I haven't actually watched Fringe, and because of a comment from a cousin of mine that offended me part of me doesn't want to. I personally really love Smallville, and he told me "Trust me, after the first episode of Fringe it will become your favorite TV series ever.


"I hate that. I hate it when he says those things. He's always watching something different from me and narrow-mindedly certain that what he watches is best and that he knows what real storytelling is. I personally don't like Terry Pratchett much, but he practically worships Terry Pratchett and says that writers such as J.K. Rowling are bad writers as a matter of pure fact and decries their incompetence. If he doesn't like it, it's bad literature. I'm not like that because I understand that there are different types of appeal and different purposes that stories can manifest. I'm not denying that Terry Pratchett is "true culture", only that I enjoy his style.


You know what? I don't care that some shows have more intense premises and are better at creating a complex and intact storyline throughout the course of several seasons. I know they're entertaining and they're good from the standpoint of having a great plot, but that doesn't automatically qualify them for the timeless material that I find in shows like Smallville and Arthur the Friendly Aardvark.


Now, I don't want you to think that I'm not interested in Fringe. I am. It's just that I'm currently annoyed with my cousin and my first thoughts will be of how overrated it is because of him and his insults to my preferences in storytelling.


Your Honor

,Emperor Kraggh

Or you could look past the fact that some people are just narrow-minded and give it a shot to prove that you're the opposite.


Then again, it's also my favorite show ever (and I didn't like Smallville, to boot) so take that how you will.


That said, it was a great episode. The pacing suffered a little bit, but all of the answered questions and brilliant performances more than made up for that.

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:kaukau: I haven't actually watched Fringe, and because of a comment from a cousin of mine that offended me part of me doesn't want to. I personally really love Smallville, and he told me "Trust me, after the first episode of Fringe it will become your favorite TV series ever."


I hate that. I hate it when he says those things. He's always watching something different from me and narrow-mindedly certain that what he watches is best and that he knows what real storytelling is. I personally don't like Terry Pratchett much, but he practically worships Terry Pratchett and says that writers such as J.K. Rowling are bad writers as a matter of pure fact and decries their incompetence. If he doesn't like it, it's bad literature. I'm not like that because I understand that there are different types of appeal and different purposes that stories can manifest. I'm not denying that Terry Pratchett is "true culture", only that I enjoy his style.


You know what? I don't care that some shows have more intense premises and are better at creating a complex and intact storyline throughout the course of several seasons. I know they're entertaining and they're good from the standpoint of having a great plot, but that doesn't automatically qualify them for the timeless material that I find in shows like Smallville and Arthur the Friendly Aardvark.


Now, I don't want you to think that I'm not interested in Fringe. I am. It's just that I'm currently annoyed with my cousin and my first thoughts will be of how overrated it is because of him and his insults to my preferences in storytelling.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh





Uh, dude, you might want to look at my profile as Smallville is listed as one of the TV shows that I liked (Because really what not to like about it, it is a Superman TV show set in the modern day. Well, the ending with Darkseid was at bit of a disappoint for me, but still it is a good show.), so I am not as narrow-minded as cousin or at least not as narrow-minded as you think he is (I don't know the dude, so I can't judge.).


Plus, I watch tons of other shows, so I am hardly in the boat of people that rave about just one thing all day. Heck, I could be talking about Supernatural every Friday too, if I could somehow watch them both at once (Same time slot unfortunately.). And well, I might even do that next week since FRINGE is done until next Fall and Supernatural is on next week.


I will say this though that FRINGE is one of my favorite show and that has to do with following features in it:

- The mysteries

- The character moments and the characters in general

- The story


This is by means to say this show is perfect because there are things that happened that I don't agree with such as the plotlines that I liked being completely abandon (John Scott, ZFT, etc.). But I don't hold that against the show since I know it does have to deal with time constraints and all. My point is that just because I am raving here about FRINGE that it does not mean I am completely happy with what went on here since I am just getting off hyper mood from watching the show, when writing these entries.


But anyway, like Dorek say, you should give the show at least a shot to show to see if you might like. Although it should be say that FRINGE is not easy to get into, especially if you are jumping in four seasons later since the show does kind of required you to know a little of went on previously to truly understand it (Which I think it part of reason for show's decrease in rating [beside it being in Friday death slot.]).



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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