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Gratuation: My Cousin's Party

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I put on my bowtie and visited my cousin's graduation party on May 12, the week before graduation. When I arrived, the number of pictures hit me.


He didn't throw the party alone. He had a couple of good friends share the event. It was something I had wanted to do, though nobody wanted to cooperate with me. Then I looked at all of their pictures they had growing up. Almost every single picture was taken with friends while participating in strange and grand events that I knew nothing about. It was as if my cousin hung out with friends every day, and in the meantime had traveled half the country with them finding new and interesting things to do.


I also looked at the piles and piles of medals adorning his table, the multiple letters of achievement, and multiple plaques. He even had his pilot's license out, his karate belt, and so forth. There were fliers of plays that he's been in, which are so numerous that I've lost count. In some of those fliers are lists of all the activities he's participated in, from chess club to band to improve to cross country to track to student council to National Honor Society to a million other things, and it doesn't even touch on the sheer number of activities in which he was dubbed captain, master of ceremonies, or other honorary title. Let's not forget that whenever there's ever been a microphone, he's the one behind it, constantly speaking for any and all events, from sports to talent shows to pep rallies. The list is actually being modest, because he's constantly invited to star in events that he isn't technically a part of, such as choir shows and middle school events.


By contrast, I had only one picture with a friend up to that point. In fact, in the six years I've gone out for track, I've only successfully been in one team picture due to the crazy extremes that Murphy's Laws take me down at the last minute. Nobody has ever wanted my company after school, and I've never "hung out". Let's not forget that one year the yearbook committee forgot to put my picture in the yearbook.


I have an academic letter, but it's in recognition of my achievements in freshmen and sophomore year when schoolwork was easier. I have a sports letter for simply being in track, and recently I achieved a performance letter for being in four plays, speaking an average of three lines in each (lines which my fellow actors were fond of speaking over). I don't even have a driver's permit or a job. The only thing I've ever been told that I'm god at is art, and I'm beginning to hate that a secondary interest of mine is coming to define me.


My lack of any real achievement would come to haunt me later, but what really depressed me at the moment was the lack of friends. All throughout my time at school, I failed time and time again to spend tiem with people, and I never felt that I was really loved. There's been only one person that I would consider a true good friend, but like all the rest I only saw him at school or at church. Unlike my cousin or the two other friends he was with, I can't lay claim to the sense of being loved and needed, and I was never an integral part of anyone else's life. I feel like I was never relevant, like you could have erased me from the picture and nobody's social life would have changed. Everyone else would have been just as happy had I never been born.


I found a corner and cried until my temples began to hurt. The sheer sense of loneliness that overtook me was despairing. All the things that could have been never were.


Later I wrote the letter "To the Guys".


It was only aleviated the next day when my best friend, Mr. Tacke, and Emma came to my grad party. I wrote about the letter from Emma. I hope this puts my feelings in context.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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I feel like I was never relevant, like you could have erased me from the picture and nobody's social life would have changed. Everyone else would have been just as happy had I never been born.


I've often felt this way myself, but quite frankly I seriously doubt it's true. We don't always express to our friends the way we feel about them. Sometimes we never hang out with them. But that doesn't necessarily mean we haven't touched or been touched by them in some significant way. Our friends can (and should) be able to function without us and go out to do their own things at times, but that doesn't cheapen their relationship with us.


Instead of crying (which can also be healthy), write a letter to your good friend(s) expressing how you feel about them. Maybe you never hung out much, or at all, but a gesture like that can really make a persons day and touch them in a pretty memorable way. I, personally have never hung out with my university friends (unless you count late night homework sessions 'hanging out'), but I am a much better person for having met them. And I will make sure they know that come graduation.


I am not you and I don't know you, but what you're describing here doesn't sound too different from how I felt after high school graduation. Ultimately, I think we're more loved by our friends and acquaintances than we think we are.


Or even if the above isn't true for your case (which I'm going to doubt), I'm assuming you've still got lots of years ahead of you. Plenty of time to find true, dear friends. :)

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:kaukau: Intellectually, I understand the more positive things in life, though it doesn't seem to translate emotionally, if you know what I mean. That is, I still feel lonely.


My case is perhaps a bit more extreme than most, It's not so extreme, but I've still been excluded quite often and been told that my humor sucks. It's part of a diagnosis that I'm fighting against, but hopefully I can come through to find some peace.


The one thing I really look forward to in college is definitely the midnight study groups. I've been taking college classes this year, and I was with Calc II friends almost every night. It was a really great expereience.


Anyway, I'll be writing more about the end of school in further entries. I'm just going to take this all one memory at a time.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Hey, don't feel too bad. All of us feel lonely and unloved at one point in our life. Think of your family members...your parents. They're proud of you and love you, do they not? Think of the impact your life has made on theirs. The way people draw themselves into a depression is because they sell themselves short and think they are friend-less, but they have more friends than they might even know.


I always thought I was a terrible writer, not good at art, bad at ballet...but encouraging words were what made me feel better about myself. People I know proved me I was better than what I thought I was, and although I disagreed with them, I started to develop a better idea of what I was, although not gaining a huge ego.


Nonetheless, don't sell yourself short. You shouldn't think you shouldn't have been born - think of Jimmy Stewart in It's A Wonderful Life. Sure, it's a bit of a sappy movie, but look at what happened to him in the end: He realized that he really did make a difference in people's lives.


Perhaps my point is wrong, but just think of it that way, and you'll realize you're thinking wrong. You have touched people's lives, you have accomplished things in life, you do have friends, and you should feel you are loved. Remember that your family loves you, and that's most important of all.

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I kind of felt the same way when I was graduating from high school. There were a lot of people I knew and was kind of sort of friends with, but I never really had any super close friends. It's turned around a lot in the last 9 months though, since I've been off to college. I wouldn't say I have a lot of super close friends, but the friends I do have I'm a lot better friends wiith them then I was with anyone in high school.



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