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Freaky Book.



I once read a book. It was called Lord Loss. In shattered my mind. (which hurt by the way)


Then I read the sequel, Demon Thief. And the third book, Slawter.


Cthulhu the Dreaming, you should read that series. You'd like it. XD


It was really creepy.


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Yummy. :drooling:


D'you think that if we told Monster that the blood was actually cherry flavored stuff, he'd eat it too?


Eh, I guess he can tell the difference on his own, since he's had it so many times already.

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perhaps, though, we could get him to do SOMETHING stupid by convincing him it's normal. Y'know, like wearing a bunny suit and hunting with Dick Cheney... HA HA HA HA HA!

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I have the power to invade peoples minds and drive them mad with images of my non-euclidian city of impossible angles and screaming to them in my native tongue "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!" What else can the LITTLE guy do? NOT THAT!

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You'd be surprised what went wrong with Monster when I made him what he is.


BTW, I may not seem evil, but I have a pretty good understanding of what evil is.


It could twist your mind beyond control and give even Cthulhu the great everlasting nightmares of pain and torture that not even he is capable of.


That's why I try to look for the happy. :P

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You've never read "The Call of Cthulhu," have you? You have no idea what you're getting yourself into... I... WILL... WIN! I EAT YOUR SOUL! YUMMY YUMMY! Just messin'. That's only if you get on my bad side...

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Remember the horrifying Cthulhu gas I talked about earlier? Well, the last time I ate cabbage the world was ruled by dinosaurs... You know what happened to them...

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