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I Am Finished! And I Am Blockhead!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be kind of short since I would like to get to bed soon considering I do have work tomorrow. So to straight to point of this entry, I was playing a lot of Kid Icarus: Uprising today (About 6 hours and 26 minutes according to the 3DS's nice little chart thing.).


And well, guys, I think this game might end up being my Game of the Year. Seriously it is awesome game with great humor and I personally recommend it to anyone with a 3DS because it is one of the system's most top-notch titles out this year. Heck, if you don't even have a 3DS and you are planning on getting one, buy this game with it because you seriously won't regret doing it.


Oh, and I am blockhead because I got finished by Pyrrhon a bunch times before realizing he had a shield that I had to take down first. So yeah, once I got pass that stopping block, I was cruising through the chapters and I am now on the final chapter of the game. Which I actually would still be playing now; but since I got work tomorrow and I was getting finished by final boss a lot, I decide to call it a night. I most likely will beat it tomorrow though, so wish me luck with that.


Oh, and for those curious, my favorite chapter has got to be Chapter 18, which I must say really makes me wish that Nintendo could make an adventure game center around being a dog now. Also I really hoping that Nintendo will think about working on another Kid Icarus game since I personally don't want to see Pit go back to the closet of forgotten heroes. *sigh*


Alright, I think did enough promoting of Kid Icarus: Uprising for one night, so I am calling this entry and post it. Thanks for reading it, folks. And I hope you all have a good night. See ya, BZPers.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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Still haven't bought that game...I really should. =|


Unfortunately, though, Nintendo has said that there won't be a sequel, at least not for quite some time.

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I should probably get that game too... my only fear is that I wouldn't be any good at it. I normally stick to Action Adventure games, RPGs, platformers, and puzzle games. I've heard that Uprising can get very fast-paced, and I'm not sure I could keep up.


...But I'll probably get it anyway. Especially since it should boost my Club Nintendo account into Platinum if I get it at least a week before June ends. And because I've mostly beaten my other 3DS games.

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@Ziko: Yeah, you really should get it, dude. Oh, and I already know that Nintendo has say they have no plans for sequel at this point.


What I was saying here though is that I hope they think about doing one further down the line considering how well the game sold apparently.


@Lyichir: lol I can related, Lyichir. I mostly play RPGs, Action Adventure games, platformers, and puzzle games myself.


While I am probably not the best player of the game (I am, after all, playing on normal difficult, so I don't get a lot of good weapons. Plus, I actually do get close to being finish a lot, especially during the flight battles as there are a lot of enemies on the screen.), I would say it is at least worth trying to see if you will like it or not. And beside, if a chapter becomes too extreme for you, you can always low the difficult or grind for hearts in other chapters to get better weapons.


Well, that's good. Maybe we could play online with each other at some point, if you do get it. Ah, yeah, I always forget to fill out those game surveys, so I probably don't have nearly enough Club Nintendo points to be Platinum on their by June. Oh, well.


Thanks for comments, Ziko, Pit, and Lyichir.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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