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I Got Accepted!



Well, not really accepted, but more like I’m qualified for it.


No, not a job. A surgery.


See, I had this acid reflux problem, and they stuck a tube down my throat and left it there for 24 hours to see just how bad it was. Turns out, it was very bad. (Either that, or I accidentally drank battery acid last night…) So, yay, I qualify for a surgery. Maybe.


In other news… I moved my Lego collection into our unfinished basement tonight. That means more room to spread out down there, and plus my bedroom remains less messy! (The downside… less lighting, dusty conditions, and my cat likes to hang down there too.) Now I’m taking apart most of my creations from Bricks Cascade (because I can’t ship all of them to BrickFair or BrickCon, so no need to keep all of them intact.) Hopefully, I can also come up with some sort of fire-Rahi in time for the BBC Contest.


Oh, yeah, also… still no job. I guess lying on your applications is still a bad thing, but you’re supposed to leave out lots of little details, like when you have to return to school. So that’s apparently how half my friends got these seasonal positions and I didn’t… because they didn’t say when they had to leave and I did, so automatically that makes them better candidates.




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I had some acid reflux problems after I had my appendix out - it's not fun. But neither is surgery. Hopefully you and your family/doctors can work out what's the best course of action.


Yeah, I know a few people who have gotten positions by omitting when they'd have to return to school. It works, but it's sort of hurting your employer and the other candidates.

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Yeah, it's not life threatening, just super annoying. And I'm hoping for the surgical option with minimal risks. :)



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