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Crowds And Plumbing



Firstly, I apologize for not keeping up with this thing. I'm no doctor, but I do play one on the internet, and I can tell you that I have had an extreme case of laziness lately.


Well, anyway, not much happened today. In case you didn't know, my father's house is currently being renovated. The house is being doubled in size. We finally got all the permits together mid-June (took some 7 months), and we started right away. Thankfully, our neighbor is a contractor himself, and he's helping out a lot with the project, doing some labor, and providing my dad with some materials that are saving him tons of money.


The plumbing was put down today. The guy had to dig around with the Bobcat first, which was the most time consuming part, and was what he considered "the hard part". Then the PVC was laid down, and all that good plumbing stuff. At least now I know where my waste products will be going.


When that was finished, I was planning on going to the movies with my dad and stepmom. We were going to see Click (Adam Sandler and whatnot). We went to Muvico, and upon entering the line to buy tickets, saw that just about everything was sold out for the next several hours. We ended up stopping at Blockbuster on the way home, where we still managed to come in contact with a rather large crowd. You have to admit, a fifteen minute checkout line is a bit ridiculous.


We got the movie Jarhead. It was based on a former Marine's book. It was okay -- nothing to write home about, though.



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