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The Unsung Reviewers



I think we've all met them, usually when we've just began writing, or a little after. You have that short story that you think is good, but everyone else seems to ignore: 30+ views, no reply, that sort of thing. In reality, you'r story isn't very good, and people don't really want to read and review it as a result. Of course, you might apply for a review from the local critics club, which speaking from experience can be a BIG enthusiasm booster. But even better is when a person out of the blue leaves a nice, fairly sized review. That person doesn't tell you that your story is perfect, they just tell you what's good about it and what's bad about it, and what can really improve. They don't unkindly tear you and your story apart, and they don't unkindly falsely build your ego up with falsity. Some of their critique can sting, but it certainly drives you to do better!


A lot of people at one point or another become that anonymous reviewer (although speaking for myself, they usually try to find a nicely written story), and that's good. Every author needs reviews, especially those with 0 or only a few replies in all their topics.


You people who do that stuff, you're awesome.


We need more of you in the library forums.


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Truer words couldn't be spoken.


Thank you anyone who has ever reviewed my works. You've helped me become the writer I am (or rather, am not) today



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I used to be one of those people, but it's been years since I last browsed the library forums for random stories to read. :(



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