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Changing Of The Gard




T-Hybrid is busy today finalizing the paper work that will sign over the Haven to its new owners. In his absence, he has requested his new guest writer fill in.

Good day to you ladies and gentlemen of BZPower. My name is RhodoKnightmon, and I have been asked by Mr. Hybrid to serve as protector of the Rose Garden while he is away on business. As such, it will be my duty to submit entires when he is unable to do so himself.

Yesterday's annoucement must have come as a bit of a shock to those of you who have been longtime readers of Mr. Hybrid's blog, but I assure you that he put a significant amount of thought into the decision. I do believe I even saw a tear in his eye as he said his farewells to that bullish ViceGreymon. But it comes as a change for the best, as his new alliance with the Vice-Sisters will ensure a more cheerful and overall calming lifestyle.

I must admit there are some aspects of Mr. Hybrid's attitude that I find less than appealing, but I'm sure the Sisters and I will be able to teach him some civility. What this means for the content of the Garden is currently unknown, but if worse comes to worse I can promise you that I will be able to step in and amuse you with my anecodotes.

On a more personal note, I have received numerous messages in my short time at the Garden inquiring as to the nature of my gender. This honestly does confuse me, as I can't understand how the site of a pink knight with a flower theme could possibly lead to any second-guessing. It should be just as apparent as it is with Frieza from Dragonball Z, or Pat from that hilarious Saturday Night Live.

With that said, I would again like to welcome you to The Rose Garden. Mr. Hybrid sincerely appreciates your stopping by.


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R-Knightmon... hello, you look familiar. The digimon that has to do with a rose and poetic chat before a fight, right?


I can't really remember.


But, heh, don't mind me. It's not a bad idea, T-H. Something off the well-worn road but something unique and new too.


Blah, don't mind me. Midnight typing kills.



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R-Knightmon... hello, you look familiar. The digimon that has to do with a rose and poetic chat before a fight, right?

Yep. That's the one. Partnered with Dynasmon in Digimon Frontier. Smacked the Chosen Children around for a good ten episodes or so.

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Speaking of gender, I'm confused myself (Blame Wikipedia :P ).


According to the above mentioned site, RhodoKnightmon is male... But his American counterpart, Crusadermon, is female? That right? If so... Heh. Another reason to hate dubs.

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According to the above mentioned site, RhodoKnightmon is male... But his American counterpart, Crusadermon, is female? That right?

Makes your head spin...doesn't it?

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