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Back To Work Entry...

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am just popping in mainly to talk about my day a bit before I head off to bed. I am sorry if you don't want to hear that and I'll try to keep it short since I do not have a lot of time to fool around with writing this entry. *yawn*


Hm...Where should I start? Well, for starters, today was my first day back at work and like I expected it, my vacation did spoil my sleep schedule a little too much as I start to slow down slightly after lunch, which usually does not happen to me as I tend to get my second wind around lunch time.


Although then again, it probably has more to do with the fact that I did not have much work do, beside process pictures stuff (Which can be very boring job, especially if they are traditional drawings that do not have define features for me to model them in SolidWorks.) for most of the morning. It did start to get more interesting later on the day since my boss, Joe, did give me one of hot FT parts to work on getting the book release. He also gave me some smaller in-work models to work on getting books ready to release.


I was not able to do much with those though since I was mostly working FT part since that job is much hotter than them since our customer seem to want get it from us rather quickly. Not that surprising since if there is one thing that I have learn from working here, the summer shut down weeks always have some super hot job come up a few weeks before it starts and it usually a Boeing job of some sort (Which is not really that surprising since they are our primary customer.). These FT parts are this year's hot job that can not wait.


Those other parts do appear to be hot as well though since our CNC Programmer Boss, Ches, is rather interest in seeing manufacturing plan and sketches for them. And considering they do not have job cards and they are in-work models much like FT Parts, these are probably going to be pretty hot as well. So hopefully that will mean my week is going to start to pick up some on Tuesday, so I do not have to do too many progress picture work for more than a couple of hours.


In non-work related news, I finally got to check out my mother's new car, which I must say does look pretty nice. I am going to miss our Dodge Neon though as the car has been with my family for good eleven or so years. And well, I have a lot of fond memories of that car. :( Still like I say, the new car is not bad. It simply does not have home feeling to it like that other car did.


I guess I'll develop those feelings for the new car eventually, although I don't think I will have eleven years to get to know it like that since it is not like I am living with my parents forever. lol


Okay, moving on from that, I am going to see about writing up my Set Review for Star Wars Mini-set with the Tatooine Planet throughout this week. I think I might have it up on Thursday, if I am not too busy.


Also am I only one that thinks it would be just plain awesome if LEGO decide to make set series center around our Solar System? I would seriously buy all of them, so I can assemble them together into one big model of our Solar System.


Alright, I got to get going now, so this is it for today's entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Good Night, BZPers.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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