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J.A.F. Team

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L S O Epics



Why do they not have review topics yet? :( I don't wanna plan with my teammates, but I wanna at least point out the cool things they came up with in their latest chapters.


Also, to critique the other entries, and criticize them and lower their moral comment on their stories too!


Also, I expected all the teams to be pushing up the maximum of four chapters per day. :(


Still, it's fun stuff, and I like how the stories I'm in keep twisting and turning. :D




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Lolg, you post up a perfectly respectable blog entry and get comments only on your typo.


Actually that would be an amazing way to drive comments, purposeful typos...


But yes I would like to see what people think of what we've done so far.


- 55555

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Okay, seriously, that's enough quips from the spelling and grammar police. Obviously you could understand what we were saying... there's plenty of stuff on the human brain that minor misspellings don't completely destroy the meanings of sentenses. I like to communicate my ideas, and I don't get worked up over how correct the syntax is. Other people can have all the problems they want with it, but guess what... my blog.


Comments deleted cause they irked me and entry closed. Because, again, MY BLOG.



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People, y u no talk about LSO in the actual LSO topics? Specifically, ask for review topics in there? It's not like I can think of everything by myself. XP


Oops I didn't realize this entry was closed. Haha silly Global powers.

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