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Note #001: Introductory Notes. To the Introductory Notes.



First off, I'd like to give a happy birthday to BZP, and thus I'd like to share a bit of cake with everyone:


It's not real, but a cake picture from Wikipedia should suffice.


Anyways, since I now have (temporary) premier perks, I've decided to start a blog. Which I intend to keep working on once I get my Premier Membership, when I get the money.


Well, what will I blog about? I think it's a good idea to start off a blog with a few of the things I've done recently:

-I've fixed my broken Wii a little over a week ago, and have added about 20 hours to my Xenoblade Chronicles file (which I was only one hour into when my Wii broke, the day after I got the game).

-I started watching some more Anime series, as I like to watch an episode of anime while I have lunch during the summer. It's a sort of tradition I started a while ago with Bleach. I'm currently following the simulcasts of Sword Art Online (really like it from the first episode) and Kokoro Connect, and since I like to watch more than two episodes of anime a week, I started Fate/Zero.

-I recently got Tickets to go to a Linkin Park concert with my friend on August 14. It's gonna be awesome.

-I'm still waiting on the parts for my gaming supercomputer. Hopefully it'll be done by the end of the summer.


Know what? My life actually sounds pretty boring. :P Well, except for the Linkin Park Concert part. That'll be exciting. Anyways, I'm enjoying my boring summer, not doing much.


Well then, I'm out. See ya. :music:


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That reminds me; I really need to get my wii fixed... What was wrong with yours, and what did you have to do in order to solve the problem? Just in case they are the same problems. :P


Sword Art Online is shaping up to be pretty good. I've read almost all of the light novels over the past week, and there are definitely a few parts I'm really looking forward to. And Fate/Zero is awesome, save for one or two episodes that are actually somewhat horrifying (at least for me).

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My Wii's Disc Drive Was broken, it couldn't pull the discs in or eject them, also the laser was one of the original ones that has a very hard time reading the newer dual-layer discs. I was able to just order a replacement disc drive and the special tri-wing screwdriver from Amazon, and i was able to fix it really easily.


And SAO is rather enjoyable, I usually like to read the source material while I'm watching an adaptation of a series, but I'm too busy with the Steins;Gate Visual Novel at the moment. S;G was a fantastic series, and I'm liking the VN even better.

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Hmm... I believe the laser on mine is broken, making it impossible to read any discs. Right now the only thing I can play on it is Majora's Mask on the virtual console. XD


I haven't had the chance to read the Visual Novel yet, but I loved the anime adaptation of Steins;Gate.

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Yeah, replacing the Disc Drive would be the way to go, then. Replacing just the laser is much more complicated, time-consuming, and downright annoying. =P

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