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Tonight is the first night of passover! Hooray! *fanfare*


Actually, Passover technically started at 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time. However, tonight's still the first night! Hooray! *more fanfare*


For those who don't know, Passover is a holiday observed by the Jewish people, one of which is me.


So, tonight and tomorrow night (April 2nd and April 3rd, 2007), we have big... dinner parties, per se, called Seders, where we read a book called the Hagaddah which details the story of Moses, Pharaoh, outstreched arms, frogs, stick transformation and plagues. Oh, and I can't forget: splitting a big body of water with a stick. Also, we eat. It's sorta like a feast but with one gigantic rule: No yeast. We can't eat anything with yeast in it. For a whole week. However, we do have an alternative. And we call it...




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It's basically crumbly, yeast-less bread. Apparently, when the Jews were escaping from Egypt, some guy (or girl, we're not sure which) forgot to put yeast in when they were baking the bread. And thus, they had matzah! Hooray for matzah! So, because of this tasty blunder, they decided when observing Passover, we will not eat yeast in commemoration of this mistake. Hooray for mistakes!


And that is the story of Passover, the crumbly, yeast-less, sea-splittin', plague inflictin', door marking holiday. Here, have some matzah. *fanfare*




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Even though I'm Christian, The story of Moses bringing all the Hebrews out of slavery from Egypt is one of my favorite.


Hope you had fun. :) Yeast bread is ok, but they're not one of my favorite foods. :P




EDIT by Bionus: It's yeast-less bread, Clark. :P




EDIT by Clark Kent: And that's what I meant. :rolleyes: :P :lol:


*whistles on*



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I could have sworn that passover was mainly

about how the slaves were immune (for a lack

of a better word) to the plagues (mainly the

tenth, in which they were "Passed over" by the

"death of the first born" plague for having

sheep's blood painted around their doors.)

But, not being of the Jewish faith, I don't

really know what I'm talking about.

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Passover. The wonderful joy of life. Nice blog Bionus(who just happens to be my brother). Happy holidays and keep eating matzah.



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to Cthulhu the Dreaming: Well, it's not entirely about plagues, per se. But you are right about the origin of the name.


to Ryzak: Blah, just eat your matzah.


to Thoko: I'm not much of a macaroon guy, but I'm eating matzah tonight too! Hooray for matzah!



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