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RPG Idea

Riisiing Moon


You guys better not steal this. I probably know someone who has contact with a lawyer or a lawyer's friend.


So, the RPG would be set at sea. Instead of submitting character profiles, you'd submit a profile for your ship--ship type, weaponry, allegiance (which, of course, depends on what the plot is), etc. You'd be able to upgrade all that junk based on your success throughout the game in the areas of battle and civilization-building.


How, you inquire, does one battle and build civilization? Well, you'd have control of the entire crew of your ship, and based on your efforts in the realms of battling and building civilization you'd receive upgrades!


But wait, RM, how do you have any kinda personal interaction with your buddies when you control entire crews? But wait, RM, how can you keep track of the entire crew's whereabouts?


Well, in addition to your ship's profile, you'd submit a relatively short profile for your captain, who's the main focus of the RPG. The crewmen would be something between PCs and NPCs--controllable for the sake of battles and civilization-building and such, but one-dimensional, 'flat' characters who can't play as much of an RPing role (lol role-playing role) as the captain. If you wanna flesh out a crew member or twelve, all you gotta do is submit a profile for 'em and get going.


This is an extremely rough draft of an idea, so there'll be lots of holes. Please point them out so I can figure out solutions, or if you think it's entirely bogus scrap it all together. Thoughts?


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I like this idea. I probably wouldn't be able to play it, since I don't have the time for RPing on BZP, but I think it could work.

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Haha, true...I might scrap the civilization building thing and just, at an official level, make a system for battles and stuff. Members establishing alliances and factions essentially does the same thing as building civilization without going overboard, since now when two people become friends you have two entire crews who follow each other around.

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