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Riisiing Moon


It's kind of miraculous, when you think about it, that people can be so deeply, spiritually affected by something created by people. I just listened to the Across the Universe version of the Beatles' Across the Universe, and there's this kind of this metaphysical sensation going on, like the song channels some greater power to man. I get how cliche that sounds, but everyone's felt it at some point--a connection to music that goes beyond physical enjoyment. It's something emotionally deeper than I can comprehend.


John Lennon (the song's author, for those of you who are unfortunate enough to not recognize the name) was a freakin' mad genius, but he was really just a guy. He was as human as any of us, despite his beauty, and I highly doubt he communed with aliens or spirits at any point in life (after all, George was the Buddhist). He had just as much access to the kind of divinity related to beautiful music as you or me, and it really strikes me as amazing that he can come up with something like Across the Universe, and that a bunch of dudes making a movie for the masses can adapt it into what's in my opinion even more awe-inspiring.


The way I look at is this--music is created by man, it's discovered by him. John Lennon did not create the metaphysical scraps that form music and then piece them together and take credit. He simply found it, unveiled it for everyone to behold. It's not really a miracle that humans can write something that makes us feel beyond humane. Some of us are just really good lookers.


For the record, John Lennon said the lyrics to Across the Universe 'just popped into his head' while he was listening to his wife yell at him.


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It is amazing how much music can affect humans, isn't it? Somehow, melodies can convey just as much emotion -- in some cases more -- than words by themselves.

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True story. If you're into the whole power of music over words thing, you definitely should check out Explosions in the Sky--listen to The Birth and Death of the Day and What Do You Go Home To?

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:kaukau: I salute John...




But anyway, I speak as an author who believes that stories are archetypes that exist before they're written down or imagined, and in my worldview the same is true for music.



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I know this is slight related, but the idea of a human "creation" that, in Merida's words, "exist before they're written down or imagined" applies directly to mathematics. I've always found it fascinating that mathematics, despite being a human creation, can describe the universe with so certainty (or uncertainty, but at least it describes it).

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Yeah, that's totally true--I mean, there's a pre-established order of things in every area of life, mathematics, music, writing, science, everything. It's not like before the number five was invented there could only be up to four of things. :P


Which is a simple way of putting exactly what I'm saying about music--it's a beautiful connection to the divine that we don't create, we just find.

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