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Has anyone else noticed...

Serpent of Fire


On the packaging and in the ads for raincoats, the people wearing them are walking around on a sunny day WITH RAINCOATS!


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:kaukau: Woah, that makes no sense.


Which reminds me, why do they report power outages on TV? Why is is called the "World Series" when only North American teams play? Why do they have Braille dots on the keypads of driveup ATMs? Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?


And why did kamikaze pilots where helmets?



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And why did kamikaze pilots where helmets?


They only committed suicide if defeat was at hand or if their plane was going down anyways. It'd be rather failsome if you won the battle, but crashed your plane and died of head injury.

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Why do they have Braille dots on the keypads of driveup ATMs?


According to my Gov class it's because it's cheaper to just have one mold for all the ATM keypads versus having one with Braille and one without

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