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We'll all miss you and your MOCs, Seran. Will you still be here to host the Lemon Club?


Maybe. I'll pass the total overall leadership over to Bundalings and Aanchir though.



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This is a sad day for BZPower. We will all miss your comments in our topics. So will you still enter BBCs? Have fun with the rest of your life!




I've just got so much to do, it's almost ridiculous. BZP just provides too much distraction, so I need to limit it.


But yes, BBCs might be a special case. And if you really want to talk to me, I'll still be alive, so PMs will still be read etc. :)



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NOOOOOO! :crying: :crying: please Seranikai don't leave you've been a great inspiration for some of my MOCs (along with future ones.) I hope you'll still visit BZP sometimes and still post MOCs.

Why are a lot of great MOCers leaving :crying:


Since you won't be around to inspire me that much anymore do you think you could please PM me some MOCing tips I'm trying to become better.:unsure::blush::unsure:


I really hope you'll stick around BZP.


Jagged :( :cry: :crying:


I'll still be around, just not as much as normal. If you want tips for MOCing, just PM me, I'll be happy to help. :)


Actually, I might write a guide to MOCing. I know I'm not as good as, and probably never will be, DV, Schizo, Shan, Kex, Tess, Mike, and all the rest, but it might be a good idea. -S

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BZP will seriously not be the same without you, Seran. Glad you made me that banner before you decided this.

We'll surely miss you. :(


I won't be gone entirely, don't worry. :) -S

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We'll all miss your MOCs and artwork, but at least you won't be gone entirely. The Lemon Club would be nowhere without your blog. So, I guess this isn't really "goodbye." See you around!


- :vahi:


If you and Bundalings want to rehost the Club in his blog, go ahead. If not...I look forward to seeing how you run it almost without me. :) -S

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Nooooo! I won't be able to be your apprentice anymore! :cry: Why must you leave?! You're one of the best MOCists we have here on BZPower, better than Mikerahk, better than Shine, better than me, better than Bundlings, better than CzaR, and better than all those members who decided to make those PBZP's (except for Shanny). Heck, you're probably just as good as *gasp* Kex. :P


I don't want you to leave! *resists using "begging" emoticon*


Besides, what'll happen to the Lemon Club?





I suggest you read it a little more closely. ;) I'm not leaving as such. You can still PM me, and I'll be blogging more, just not as active on the rest of BZP.


And I wouldn't really consider myself better than all of those MOCists you mentioned. But SZ - why do you think I wanted you to be one of my apprentices? You and Bundalings are the new Serans. :D -S

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Oh my....


I certainly didn't expect this! I considered you an equal in building Seran. I hate to see you leave, but we all have our own personal lives that need attention. I hope that all goes well for you in your daily doings, and that you are able to rediscover yourself as a person. I know I need to do the same... but I'm not leaving.


Stick around at least, and make some comments here and there. It'd be a shame to see you leave entirely.


Oh, I'll stick around. I've got a few ideas - look out for a PM from me. :) -S

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What a pity... we will all miss you. I guess you will still sorta run the Lemon Club, because me and Aanchir can't edit posts and such. Well, I'll see you around... I guess...


P.S. You are better in my opinion than alot of the other "great" MOCists, but I guess everyone has their own styles and tastes.

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Just do what I do, and only post when you feel like it. And most of the time it's just to make a MOC topic. Which come few and far between (but they do come, because I totally do care, I just don't have a lot of time for contests).


I mean, hey, I hate the storyline and sets too, but man, MOCing is such a fun hobby. And hey, I like you, dang it all. You're one of my 'up'n'comers' I've got my eyes on (both of them, not just one!).


So yes.




I'm honoured. I like you too, DV. :P -S

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*choke hold*


Do we gotta do this the hard way?




Your omnipotence will be missed.


Note the lack of bold. And that I still have you in a choke hold. Hey, that rhymes.


*Escapes choke hold* I didn't notice I was omnipotent. :blink: -S

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I've been pretty inactive myself.


Now to the actual subject.

We'll all miss you, but at least you're still going to be on every once in a while.

[rhetorical question]How many great MOCists have we "lost" now?[/rhetorical question]


I added that in because I didn't want to know the answer.

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Another one bites the dust...


Bye Seran.


I find it strange that he posts in every reply. :sly:


Who needs rhetorical questions?

(Don't answer that)



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I just realized something...

Am I still your Apprentice? I mean, with you leaving and all...


I'm not leaving completely, don't worry. I just won't be as active.

Yes, you still are my Apprentice. Just keep supplying BBC with great MOCs in my absence, ok? ;) -S
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Well, Seran, it seems that BZPower has lost a valuable member today....


Apart from the unreachable Admins, Moderators, and Forum Assistants, the one high-ranking person in BZPower that mingled with the "common folk" was you. You knew everybody, could do everything: Blogify, MOC, draw, write, animate. You produced such masterpieces in your time as Serrahn the Schizosaur and the magnificent Mata Nui (your first one was the best up to date), to the totally outrageous, whimsical, and yet great Toa of Artahka.


It will be a shame to see you go, especially that I even used your Toa Xion design in the best credit possible. So for now, so long, Seranikai.




Well...thank you. I didn't know I was so loved. -S

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Darn.The death of another dragon.I hate this.If you made up your mind on leaving us.Reconsider,because you still owe me a PBZP.

Farewell,dear friend.


P/S:I still want that PBZB!!!!

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No . . . don't go . . .


I've only just returned to BZP myself, but I hate to hear that your leaving now . . . what about your wonderful MOCS? The Toa Xion series? What about . . . anything?


I'm not leaving totally - I'll still be around occasionally. -S

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


You're a inspirational person when it comes to MOCing and you have a lot of potential. I'll certainly mis your presence.
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This is a joke right...a...a...a late April Fool's? No...? Ah well, we'll miss ya, mate! Also, on your profile...how can you grow up? Lego is an ageless product. Remember...that guy - that british guy, on the BZP News that got into an accident and got brain damage or something, and nursed himself back to health with LEGO Bricks? Nevermind, your decision not mine. You also spelled 'fulfill' wrong on your profile...ya skipped the last 'L'. As best put in 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events'...'I didn't realize this was a sad occasion.' I'll look for your novels in stores. Bye, mate!

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aw seran...you've always been on my top 5 list of MoCers....at least you're not leaving completely, I guess....I have to say, I don't really like the storyline or sets anymore either, I completely echo DV.

anyway, hope you still post your MoCs, I'll always be looking for them.



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