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Curse Thee Movies!

Lady Kopaka


Wow....I haven't updated in quite awhile....ITS NOT MY FAULT. :lookaround:


I had an all day two day thing at my church, which didn't give me a chance to get on. And then on Saturday, I got to go spend the night at my friends, and that was exciting. And we were going to see Pirates II after church! :happydance:


But, my world can be very unfair...So oh, guess what? It has been 7 months (Yes, 7 MONTHS) since I have been to the theaters, and look, the tickets are sold out.


And that was my only chance to go see a movie; I was going to see it with my friend. And my dad hates PotC (Infect he hates about 80% of movies), so there is no chance for me seeing it.


I am really disappointed....Because I never got to see Cars either, and I was hoping to see a Pixar movie in the theaters.


But I guess I shouldn't complain about this, I mean, they always come out on DVD in a few months, and it cheaper, so I guess I can rent and watch sometime. That will be nice!


And I can't really blame it on my parents either, it’s not my dads fault for not being a movie-fan and working all the time, and my mom is usually sick (Got an illness).


So sorry I had that rant/complaint, I just needed to get that out of my system…For a long time.



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Aww, poor LK. We all need to rant some times, and usually it helps when nobody listens as they can not critisise your every mistake. I feel bad for you though. I'mean 7 months is a long time without screen time. Mabey you can google video some music video or omething. You know, I think I have to go hit somthing with a salami now.



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