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Scoota Zoo Wallyworld

While I was waiting to check out in line at Walmart today, there was this elderly woman behind me in one of the store's electronic scooters. My buggy (If you don't know that I mean by buggy, that's what most people in my state call a "cart") was already unloaded and on the checkout belt. The person ahead of me was still waiting to pay, and there was plenty of space on the belt since I only had like seven bags of stuff.


I offered to load her stuff up onto the checkout area for her, and it pretty much made her day. Even though I work in retail myself and usually help people on a daily basis that way, this was different and it felt good.



Now I just wish my stomach didn't feel so crummy, because I'm about ready to punch it... In other news, I did finish my course of steroids I was on... but pretty sure coming off them is causing the trouble. Gonna have to give it some time to clear out of my system. I'm so tired, sore all over, and emotionally void.


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