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1 Week Later



Yeh, I had an eventful week. Camping at Inks Lake, spraining my heels at Schlitterbahn, and not-really-going-but-still-there to my cousin's bridal shower. Seriously, I could sue that waterpark for not having "3-foot water!" signs and "Caution! No Jumping!" signs. But they did.

Neeways, I've been rewoking hard on BBC 37. This time 'round I figured I'd just have fun with the contest, have fun with my MOC. That's what I did in 33, and the Inconspicuous Friendly Critter got me third place among all the dark and menacing titans. Hopefully people will lean for the odd uniquity in this contest as well. No, I'm not making Ninjo a girl, or a little cute yellow critter. It's just my next leap into unusuality.

UPDATE: You all want a description? Think Covenant Hunter + Murloc + Meta Knight.

So I'll be staying up tonight, partly to get my entry finished and partly because I won't be able to sleep anyway. We came home about a half hour ago to find the AC had like.. melted or something. I walked into my room to find the air stuffed thick and barely breathable.

In short.. um...



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That's a bummer. Going to Schiliter-however-you-spell-it-best-waterpark-in-USA and getting a sprained ankle. :o


Waterparks are life.

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You're making Ninjoman a girly critter? What the...


Oh, no, you say, you're not.


Fine. >_>


-100% probably Exo

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Update on my entry-- the limbs aren't going to be as long or large as I'd originally planned, but that's okay, because it only adds to the strangity.

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