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Finally watched Les Mis

Ermgh awesome. Can't wait until the remake. Even if I didn't like it I'd still pay cash money to see Hugh Jackman sing these songs.


>> decide to watch Les Mis

>> watching Les Mis

>> text Andrew to let him know I'm finally watching it

>> Andrew changes avatar/banner scheme to Les Mis an hour later

>> must be a coincidence


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Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to change my username to Kraggh Valkraggh later on just to remind me to get back to reading the book like I ought to.


On another note, Colm Wilkenson is the man.





On another note, Colm Wilkenson is the man.


Oh my gosh -yes-. Micah, you still have to watch the 10th anniversary musical edition, then I'll be satisfied. =P ...but actually I think I had my ban/av set to that before you texted me. I did it as soon as the Cosette movie poster came out. =P


And yes I am happy.



I've never seen it, but I've sung it. Local Homeschool Choir. Some of it seems kinda weird, but one of these days I should watch it.

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