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Life And Death In Chocolate City

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I should be sleeping, and yet I am not. A shame, really, but I must discourse on the events of this weekend.


Friday I took off before I was finished with work, but after hours still, to go eat with my brother, his wife, and our parents, while they (my parents) were in Baton Rouge to play golf on Saturday. I'll be frank: I'm sufficiently tired of working on this model. Burned out, as it were. I'm looking forward to something else, even if it's just no-brain maps in ArcMap.

But enough about my work (that I did finish up yesterday, I think). We ate at Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro, not necessarily a treat for myself, but for my parents since the Copeland's in Lake Charles closed after Rita. They're still upset about it.

Michael & Brandy had some pretty big news. Michael went to the golf expo at the River Center (in Baton Rouge) last month, and got a surprise in the mail: he won two passes to the Zurich Classic of New Orleans in its return to the TPC of Louisiana in two weeks.


But the real news came shortly thereafter:


Brandy is 7 weeks pregnant (far too early to know if it's a boy or girl), and the due date is November 20. What's more, they've asked me to be the child's parrain, or godfather: A task I gladly and blindly accepted.

KIE's gonna be an uncle. Look out.

Better believe I'm going to get 'em started on LEGO out of the gate. How much do Quatro sets run? :P


Saturday was a bunch of afterglow, and then came Sunday.


Sunday, I got a phone call on my way out of church: Bro. T-Jack Tillery, one of the staff at FBC-Moss Bluff (the church I attended before moving here) is in Ochsner's in Jefferson, so I went to go visit.

Wouldn't you know it, but they forgot I was over here. *sigh* Everyone does.


In any case, Bro. T-Jack's long-term prognosis isn't very good: he had a massive heart attack in 1997 which damaged both lower ventricles. His upper ventricles have since compensated, but over the course of 10 years, they've worn down. The short of it is that he'll eventually need a heart transplant: a procedure his insurance won't cover. But for the time being, his improvement over the course of the week (He checked in last Monday, but I wasn't notified until this afternoon.) means he'll get to head back to Moss Bluff sometime this week, with a return checkup scheduled in a couple of weeks. Still, they've started the transplant-candidate battery of tests. :(



Oh, and since everyone else is doing it... *click*


-KIE, who needs to do his taxes this week


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Ooh Wowee! KIE's gonna be an uncle! YAY!


Forget Quatro, go straight to duplo! they can use them for teething as well as building LOL ;)


I'm glad to hear that the project model is going well. Its nice when things pull together at work.


I hope T-Jack is gonna be ok. I'll put some good energy out towards him.



Get any disc golf in lately??






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I feel so knowledgeable! I totally knew you were going to be an uncle days ago!


Wahoo for networking sites with certain names we will not discuss!


I feel so involved!

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That adds you to the list of uncles on BZP. There's Omi. There's you.


And I wish the best for your friend. :( Will pray for him.



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Yeah, get them on Lego right out of the womb. Place it in their hand.


anyway, I like that map thing. (although it's an hour early)


Congrats on being a godfather!



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So which one is pregnant? Michael or Brandy? Unless I take what you said literally, in which case they're both pregnant, which really defies the odds. Not only do they both have to get pregnant at the same time, but one of them is male. Are you sure you're not just making this up?
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