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RPG: Races and Their Subtypes

The Iron Toa



Races and Their Subtypes



Here we will list and describe the playable races (not including any 'monster races' we make playable) and the subtypes of those races (such as gender, and elemental tribes for Matoran and Skakdi). The stats of each will be provided, as will the reasoning behind the chosen values. But first, I must explain the notation I use here:


In the following text, purple font indicates non-canonical information and liberties I have taken with the canon for the sake of a complete and balanced game. I encourage world designers and Game Masters to make changes to these details as they see fit. Contributors to this project are welcome to add their suggestions, as well.


All of this is subject to change, but red font indicates where I know further work is needed. For example, values I'm not confident are appropriate, or parts that incorporate aspects of the project we have not yet gotten to.


Reddish-purple font indicates a combination of the above – non-canonical stats and concepts that I know need work.


What each of these stats mean will be explained in more depth in a different post, but one particular descriptor should be explained now. Each being in the game has a size that fits into a category. It is determined by height for beings that stand upright (which includes most or all beings in this list) and length from nose to posterior for beings that do not. These Size Categories are as follows:


Fine: Less than 1/8 bio

Diminutive: 1/8 → 1/4 bio

Tiny: 1/4 → 1/2 bio

Small: 1/2 → 1 bio

Medium: 1 → 2 bio

Large: 2 → 4 bio

Huge: 4 → 8 bio

Gargantuan: 8 → 16 bio

Colossal: Greater than 16 bio


In which → means 'up to just under'. That is, a character exactly two bio tall would be in the Large size category, just barely. Size categories give bonuses and penalties to hiding, dodging, and grappling, which we will work out later.


In the following list, you may notice that total modifiers for Charisma and Intelligence are low compared to the other stats. This is because the randomly generated values for those two stats are much higher than the randomly generated values for Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, and Will. The reasoning behind this is that most biomechanical beings have little difference in physique from the rest of their race. In addition, mental strength is greatly dependent on race. Some Matoran might have stronger wills than others, but none ever have the ability to use Kanohi powers. And yet one can find a wide range of personalities and levels of intelligence among a particular race. Therefore, characters' initial Charisma and Intelligence values will be based on a larger roll – and so more varied – while Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, and Will will be determined by a smaller roll and more affected by racial modifiers. What these random values are will be explained in a future update, but for now, just assume that modifiers when combined with the random values will result in more even final Attributes.


Now for the main part of this post, the list of races:









Matoran are small, significantly smaller than the other intelligent races that populate their universe. They are remarkably strong and resilient for their size, but this still leaves them with lower than average Strength and Toughness. They are stocky and not built for agility, but their small size gives them an advantage over larger beings in evasion, and they have excellent manual dexterity. As a result, their overall Dexterity tends to be only slightly below average.


They are hardy and industrious workers by nature, and so crafting comes easily to them, and they can endure strenuous activity longer than many others. They were not meant to use powers, and typically rely on Toa, Turaga, or members of other races for guidance, and so have slightly lower than average Will. Despite their innately low raw mental strength, however, they usually have average Intelligence. They are highly social, forming close communities and a niche in almost every civilized society. As such, they tend to have higher than average Charisma.


Some Matoran have the potential to transform into Toa, but this is rare, and often unknown until the transformation happens. For the purposes of this game, whether your Matoran character can become a Toa and what the chances are will depend on the setting. In times and places in which Toa were common, you might be able to choose to play as such a Matoran, or even start as a Toa. In other settings, Toa will be rare or nonexistent, and playing one will not be an option. In any case, this potential will be denoted by Toa Energy: most Matoran will have a value of -1, and Matoran with the potential will have a value of 0. Usually this value will be randomly generated, and will be unknown to you.


Racial Modifiers:

+2 Charisma

+8 Dexterity

+5 Strength

+5 Toughness

+7 Will

+A small maximum Elemental Energy pool

Bonus to crafting skills

Suffer less Endurance damage from strenuous activity

Average height – 0.8 bio (3.6 feet) - Small Size

Average weight – 40 kilograms (88 lb)




Av-Matoran – As a prototype race, Matoran of Light are different from other Matoran in several ways. They are the only Matoran capable of calling upon their element. This manifests itself in three ways: the ability to change the color of their armor, the ability to launch beams of light from the hands, and a third light-related power that can only be used when the Av-Matoran is in physical contact with a Toa or Makuta (and perhaps some other beings). Compared to other Matoran, they are mostly average physically and mentally, but grow larger in the presence of energies in Karda Nui, and have slightly higher than average Will for the use of their powers.


Preferred Environments: Luminous places

Primary Color: Gold (default – can be altered)

Other Colors: White (default – can be altered)


Subtypical Modifiers:

+2 Will

+A small max EE pool

Limited Elemental light powers

Size affected by certain energies


Ba-Matoran – An affiliation with the element of Gravity gives these Matoran excellent balance and resistance to being knocked down. They typically have a dour demeanor which leaves them with a slightly lower Charisma, but are mentally tenacious, granting them a slight bonus to Will. Also, they are known for being wise in a cautious way, and while Ba-Matoran are rarely regarded as especially brilliant, this results in a slightly higher than average Intelligence.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Purple, Indigo, Maroon

Secondary Colors: Black

Eye Colors: Dark Blue, Dark Red


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Charisma

+1 Intelligence

+1 Will

Enhanced balance and knockdown resistance


Ce-Matoran – Latent elemental Psionic energy grants these Matoran great resistance to mental influence. In addition, a culture that focuses on the mind and spirit grants them a bonus to any one mental stat. However, this results in a tendency to neglect physical Strength – Ce-Matoran are slightly weaker than average for Matoran.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Gold

Secondary Colors: Blue, Purple

Eye Colors: Blue, Pink, Yellow, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Intelligence, Charisma, OR Will (The GM will decide whether you can choose or if you must roll to determine this)

-1 Strength

+50% resistance to Mental damage to Endurance (but take normal Vitality damage in the rare cases Mental attacks do Vitality damage)

+50% resistance to some effects like Fear and Sleep

Immunity to other effects such as mind reading and hypnosis


De-Matoran – Matoran of Sonics are renowned for their incredibly sensitive hearing. This trait is by far both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. They are capable of listening in on a conversation from kio away, and suffer pain from noises others would consider tolerable. Due to this, most De-Matoran prefer to live in isolated communities in quiet locations, and shun anyone who might bring battle or other noise to their homes.


Preferred Environments: Quiet places

Primary Colors: Gray

Secondary Colors: Black

Eye Colors: Yellow


Subtypical Modifiers:

-300% Resistance to Sonic damage to Endurance (but take normal Vitality damage)

Extremely high bonus to Listen checks, can use Listen checks for purposes others cannot

Take automatic Sonic endurance damage over time from combat and other loud situations


Fe-Matoran – An affiliation with the Element of Iron makes Fe-Matoran much physically tougher than others. They are also naturally gifted metalsmiths. However, they tend to work in solitude and secrecy. This asocial behavior results in a lower Charisma than average for Matoran.


Preferred Environments: Industrial regions, regions where metal can be mined

Primary Colors: Metallic Gray, Silver, Gold, Bronze

Secondary Colors: Burnt Orange, Gray, Dark Red, Light Brown

Eye Colors: Dark Blue, Orange, Red


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Charisma

+2 Toughness

Significant bonus to metal-related crafting skills


Ga-Matoran – The Element of Water grants Ga-Matoran a natural talent for swimming and great lung capacity. Ga-Matoran also learn other water-related skills, such as fishing and sailing, as a way of life. They tend to have gentle and caring personalities, resulting in a higher than average Charisma, but tend to be somewhat lacking in physical Toughness.


Preferred Environments: Aquatic/coastal regions

Primary Colors: Blue

Secondary Colors: (Different shades of) Blue, Silver, Light Green

Eye Colors: Orange, Yellow, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma

-1 Toughness

Resistance to suffocation/drowning

Bonus to aquatic skills such as swimming, fishing, and sailing


Ko-Matoran – Matoran of Ice have a natural great resistance to the cold. In addition, they learn to survive in cold environments, and their armor colors help them blend in with snow and ice. Ko-Matoran are known for high Intelligence, but also for being aloof or hard to approach, resulting in much lower Charisma than other Matoran types.


Preferred Environments: Cold places

Primary Colors: White

Secondary Colors: Gray, Silver, Blue, Black

Eye Colors: Light Blue


Subtypical Modifiers:

-2 Charisma

+2 Intelligence

+50% resistance to Cold damage (both to Vitality and Endurance)

Bonus to camouflage and survival skills in snowy environments


Le-Matoran – The element of Air grants Le-Matoran greater Dexterity, but they are less nimble on the ground, mitigating this bonus somewhat. In addition, they tend to be energetic and quick-moving. The ability to use their agility to avoid harm leaves them less accustomed to enduring it, and they are more used to using finesse than brawn, resulting in lower Strength and Toughness than most other Matoran.


Preferred Environments: High-altitude regions, elevated structures

Primary Colors: Green

Secondary Colors: (Different shades of) Green, Turquoise, Teal, Gray

Eye Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Dexterity

+1 additional Dex in trees, elevated platforms, and other such environments

-1 Strength

-1 Toughness

Bonus to Climb and Tumble skills (and any similar skills)

Slightly increased movement speed and/or lower Endurance cost for sprinting and other quick movement


Onu-Matoran – As a result of their elemental affiliation, Matoran of Earth can see in the dark very well, but are easily dazzled by bright lights. They tend to be stockier than other Matoran, sometimes having heights closer to 0.7 bio (3.15 ft), and less nimble, as a result they have a lower total Dexterity. Onu-Matoran are best known for three professions: miners, engineers, and archivists. As such, Onu-Matoran commonly have either relatively high Strength or Intelligence, but not to the same degree as Po-Matoran and Ko-Matoran, respectively. Life underground, whether in the Archives of Metru Nui or a crude warren in the most remote regions of the South, leaves Onu-Matoran with natural affinity for tunneling and underground survival skills. In addition, they are less easily tired out, but tend to move slowly.


Preferred Environments: Underground

Primary Colors: Black

Secondary Colors: Gray, Tan, Orange, Purple

Eye Colors: Green, Orange


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Dexterity

+1 Intelligence OR Strength (The GM will decide whether you can choose or if you must roll to determine this)

Ability to see in low light levels

Vulnerability to being blinded or dazzled from Light-based attacks and natural bright lights

Bonus to underground skills such as tunneling, avoiding pits, and subterranean navigation

Slightly reduced movement speed

Lower Endurance cost for extended travel, combat, or other strenuous activity


Po-Matoran – The element of Stone grants greatly increased Strength to these Matoran. However, Po-Matoran have a reputation for having relatively low Intelligence. In some regions, Po-Matoran are taller than other types – closer to 0.9 bio (4.05 feet). Almost all Po-Matoran have at least a little knowledge of some form of stone-crafting. Also, life in arid and rocky regions teaches them to be skilled at rock-climbing and desert survival.


Preferred Environments: Arid places, rocky places

Primary Colors: Brown, Orange, Yellow

Secondary Colors: Tan, Gray, Black

Eye Colors: Blue, Orange, Yellow


Subtypical Modifiers:

+2 Strength

-1 Intelligence

Bonus to stone-based crafting skills

Bonus to rock-climbing and desert survival skills such as finding water, keeping cool in the day and keeping warm at night


Ta-Matoran – Latent elemental Fire energy gives these Matoran a great resistance to heat, in addition, life in hot regions teaches them the skills to survive in such places. Ta-Matoran tend to have strong personalities which can manifest as higher Charisma or Will.


Preferred Environments: Hot places

Primary Colors: Red

Secondary Colors: Orange, Yellow, Black, Gold

Eye Colors: Pink, Orange, Yellow, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma OR Will (The GM will decide whether you can choose or if you must roll to determine this)

+50% resistance to Heat damage (both to Vitality and Endurance)

Bonus to survival skills in hot places such as keeping cool and avoiding lava


Matoran of the Green – The Element of the Green grants these Matoran an innate talent for cultivating plants. For many of them, this nurturing nature is known to extend to personal relations, granting a bonus to Charisma, while others are better known for having heightened Dexterity, just like the arboreal Rahi they often share environments with. Almost all Matoran of the Green have learned survival skills vital to living in forests and jungles, even those that spend most of their life in less wild regions.


Preferred Environments: Jungles, Forests, Farmland

Primary Colors: Green

Secondary Colors: Blue, Brown

Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma OR Dexterity

Very significant bonus to gardening, farming, and similar skills

Bonus to tree-climbing and survival skills in forested environments, such as avoiding poisonous plants


Matoran of Lightning – These Matoran are resistant to electrical shocks due to their elemental affiliation. They are also known for being very fast in both speech and movement, in a way that reminds one of the speed of the lightning they are affiliated with.


Preferred Environment: Stormy places

Primary Colors: Blue

Secondary Colors: White, Red, Purple

Eye Colors: Blue, Pink, Yellow, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+50% resistance to Electric damage (both to Vitality and Endurance)

Significantly increased movement speed and/or lowered endurance cost for sprinting and other quick movements


Matoran of Magnetism – Traces of elemental Magnetism energy grants these Matoran a natural internal compass, and as a result they are among the universe's best navigators. In addition, they are known to have very high Charisma, attracting friends like their element attracts iron.


Preferred Environments: None (I think)

Primary Colors: Metallic Gray

Secondary Colors: Black, Blue

Eye Colors: Dark Blue, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+2 Charisma

Natural sense of direction

Significant bonus to navigational skills


Matoran of Plasma – Latent elemental Plasma energies counteract foreign energies that saturate these Matoran, giving them Matoran a bonus to harmful 'generic' Energy effects, such as the effects of most non-elemental Rhotuka. In addition, they are known for being energetic. They have neither the speed of Matoran of Lightning, nor the stamina of Matoran of Earth, but rather something in the middle – they can sustain fairly quick movement for a moderate amount of time without tiring. They also recover from rest faster.


Preferred Environments: None, or perhaps non-volcanic hot places

Primary Colors: Orange

Secondary Colors: White, Light Green, Blue, Purple

Eye Colors: Orange, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow-Green


Subtypical Modifiers:

+50% resistance to negative status effects with the Energy descriptor (but not Energy damage)

Reduced Endurance costs for moderate exertion and quick movements

Require less sleep

Regenerate Endurance faster from resting



Matoran cannot access Kanohi powers, but must wear Kanohi of some sort. A maskless Matoran's physical strength and coordination is greatly reduced, and he or she has trouble concentrating on any action. This is represented by the following effects:


1/3 Dexterity (rounded down)

1/3 Strength (rounded down)

1/3 Will (rounded down)

50% penalty to rolls based on Charisma and Intelligence

Reduced movement speed


In addition, after five rounds (30 seconds), the Matoran must begin making a Will save every round to remain conscious (difficulty of save to be determined). He or she will automatically pass out in fifty rounds (5 minutes). A Matoran suffers no permanent damage from the loss of a mask. When the mask is replaced, the Matoran's abilities will be fully restored (any other harm that befalls the Matoran in the meantime notwithstanding), and he or she will awaken if unconscious from the lack of a mask.




Toa are known for being strong, agile, tough, and having the mental strength to use their Kanohi and elemental powers. Nearly all Toa are transformed from Matoran, and are indeed considered part of the same race. However, upon becoming a Toa, a former Matoran is no longer meant to be a laborer, and so Toa that were not crafters as Matoran find that crafting does not come so easily to them, and they no longer have disproportionately high stamina. Therefore, to find a Toa's stats, find the stats of a Matoran and add these modifiers:


+2 Dexterity

+4 Strength

+4 Toughness

+8 Will

+60 Toa Energy

+A max EE pool

Lose bonus to crafting skills unless the skills have been brought to a certain level

Suffer average amount of Endurance damage from strenuous activity

Ability to use Great and Noble Kanohi (after unlocking them the first time)

Height increase to 1.6 bio (7.2 feet) (with some exceptions, like some Toa of Earth will be hunched) - Medium Size

Weight increase to roughly 120 kg (264 lb)

Increased movement speed befitting their increased stature


A maskless Toa will not pass out, but will suffer severe physical and mental weakness only slightly less than for a Matoran:


1/2 Dexterity (rounded down)

1/2 Strength (rounded down)

1/2 Will (rounded down)

50% penalty to rolls based on Charisma and Intelligence

-50% Elemental potency

Reduced movement speed




For a Toa to become a Turaga, two requirements must be met. The Toa must have completed his or her Destiny (as a Toa, that is – just part of the overall Destiny a being has throughout existence), when this is achieved is at the discretion of the GM. The Toa must also have depleted all 60 of his or her Toa Energy points. A Toa that is out of Toa Energy but has not yet completed his or her Destiny will remain a Toa, as will a Toa that has achieved his or her Destiny but not expended his or her Toa Energy.


Upon transforming into a Turaga, a Toa loses much of his or her stature, physical strength, willpower, and elemental energy. In addition, the hard life as a Toa catching up when the transformation occurs makes a Turaga's physical attributes suffer further. The amount they decrease is random, but always significant. Though most of their attributes are reduced, however, Turaga are known for being wise. Upon becoming a Turaga, a former Toa has time to reflect on his or her life experiences and how they can be used to guide the Matoran. As such, the transformation grants a boost to Intelligence and Charisma. Here is how a Turaga's stats differ from a Toa's:


+3 Charisma

-(4 + 1d4) Dexterity

+4 Intelligence

-(1+ 1d4) Strength

-(2 + 1d4) Toughness

-4 Will

Max EE pool divided by 20

Ability to use Great Kanohi lost

Height decrease to roughly 1 bio (4.5 feet) – Medium size

Weight decrease to roughly 50 kg (110 lb)

Significantly slower movement speed than Matoran


A maskless Turaga suffers the same penalties as a maskless Matoran, but will not pass out.








The main inhabitants of the island of Xia, Vortixx are tall and lean, with black armor. They are known for being crafty and manipulative, and have average Strength and Toughness for their stature – that is, quite high, but not extremely. Their lithe, graceful forms and skill for manual labor grant them higher than average Dexterity. As a whole, Vortixx have average strength of Will, cannot wear Kanohi and have no natural powers. For most of their history, Vortixx endured terrible pollution of their home island, and as such have a natural resistance to acid and toxins and are harder to suffocate. Vortixx are known as makers of advanced technology, but not so much inventors as assemblers. Still, their reputation for being crafty indicates a higher than average Intelligence.


Preferred Environments: Industrial regions

Primary Colors: Black

Secondary Colors: Silver, Gray

Eye Colors: Orange, Light Blue


Racial Modifiers:

+11 Dexterity

+2 Intelligence

+11 Strength

+11 Toughness

+9 Will

+25% resistance to Poison damage

+10% resistance to Acid damage

Resistance to suffocation

Affinity for efficiently reproducing existing designs

Average height – 2.4 bio (10.8 feet) – Large size

Average weight – 210 kg (462 lb)



Female – Female Vortixx are typically the leaders in their society. They tend to have forceful, manipulative personalities, and as such they receive a bonus to Charisma and Will.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma

+1 Will


Male – Male Vortixx are most often factory workers forced to labor in harsh conditions. As such, they receive a bonus to Strength and Toughness.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Strength

+1 Toughness






Steltian Leader (Sidorak's species):


This race makes up the ruling class of the island of Stelt. They are tall beings of average build, typically with a greater Strength than Vortixx, but slightly less Dexterity than average. Despite the turmoil that spans most of their home's history, they maintain their place in the upper class through their superior Charisma. These Steltians tend to have average Intelligence and strength of Will. They cannot wear Kanohi and have no natural powers. Some warlords are happy to upgrade themselves with implanted weapons and devices, while others take pride in depending only on the strength of their arms and skill with a blade. Stelt is a war-torn island, and these beings are most famous for being warlords and military officers, though those that avoid battle most often make their living as merchants.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Red, Blue, Gray

Secondary Colors: Black

Eye Colors: Red, Orange, Blue


Racial Modifiers:

+2 Charisma

+8 Dexterity

+13 Strength

+11 Toughness

+9 Will

Average height – 2.2 bio (9.9 feet) – Large size

Average weight – 220 kg (484 lb)






Steltian Laborer (Krekka's species):


These beings occupy the lower class in Stelt, and are commonly employed as laborers, guards, and soldiers. They are slightly shorter than the beings of the higher caste, but are much wider and heavier. They are some of the most muscular beings in the universe, possessing Strength greater than most of the other common races, and their girth provides them with excellent Toughness. However, they are also known for being brutish and weak-minded. This stereotype is often exaggerated, but it is true that they tend to have lower than average Intelligence and Charisma, and their Will is naturally weak. They are not agile, nor are they made for delicate work, and as such they have poor Dexterity. Like the beings that most commonly rule and employ them, these Steltians cannot wear Kanohi and have no natural powers.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Blue

Secondary Colors: White, Gray

Eye Colors: Red, Orange


Racial Modifiers:

-4 Charisma

-4 Intelligence

+6 Dexterity

+21 Strength

+15 Toughness

+3 Will

Average height – 2.1 bio (9.45 feet) – Large size

Average weight – 380 kg (836 lb)






Steltian Slave (Gladiator's species):


While the heavy, blue-armored Steltians are allowed paying jobs and some small rank in society, these unfortunate beings are no more than slaves. It is unknown if they are native to Stelt or were brought there, but what is certain is that any culture of their own they might have had was destroyed early in the history of the universe. Now, they are few in number, and Stelt is the only place they have any semblance of a community. Some of them are put to work doing labor, but the rulers of Stelt most often force them to fight in the great gladiatorial coliseums, for they make better fighters than workers. They tower over their masters, and have great Strength and Toughness as one would expect, but they in fact have less raw physical power than the members of the laborer class. Instead, most of their martial prowess is the result of Dexterity remarkable for beings of their size. Years of having no power to negotiate with others has left them with a below average Charisma and eroded their strength of Will. They have average Intelligence, but usually only have the opportunity to express it as tactical cunning in the arenas. As such, and as a result of discrimination they are often considered stupid. They cannot wear Kanohi and have no natural powers.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Black

Secondary Colors: Gray

Eye Colors: Red, Green, Yellow


Racial Modifiers:

-4 Charisma

+17 Dexterity

+15 Strength

+15 Toughness

+7 Will

Average height – 3.2 bio (14.14 feet) – Large size

Average weight – 500 kg (1100 lb)






Skakdi (post Spiriah's alterations):


The natives of the island of Zakaz, Skakdi were a relatively peaceful race until a Makuta named Spiriah sought to grant them powers that would make them useful warriors. Makuta Spiriah's tampering indeed granted Skakdi elemental powers and a wide range of other powers, but it also had the effect of turning them into twisted and barbaric beings. Their elemental powers have the potential to be on par with a Toa's, but for a Skakdi to call upon his or her element, he or she must either use it in conjunction with another's or have a specialized weapon that can channel it. Mercifully, Skakdi are also unable to release enough of their energy at once to create a Nova Blast. In addition to their element, each Skakdi has a vision power and a third innate ability. They have average Strength and Dexterity for their size, and have superior Toughness to survive the constant violence of their culture. Their aggression and tendency to be mentally deranged results in a lower Will and Charisma. This madness and belligerence does not affect their Intelligence, however – Skakdi often turn out to be smarter than one assumes. They can wear Kanohi, but rarely do, for they are not weakened by a lack of a mask and very few Skakdi have high enough Will to use them. The characteristics of a Skakdi depend somewhat on elemental affiliation, but not to the degree of Matoran. They also have the same armor colors for each element as Matoran. Unlike Matoran, they do not segregate themselves by element, living on whatever part of Zakaz their clan occupies, and so each subtype of Skakdi is considered to have no preferred environment.


Preferred Environments: None

Eye Colors: Orange (all Skakdi have orange eyes regardless of elemental affiliation)


Racial Modifiers:

-5 Charisma

+9 Dexterity

+10 Strength

+11 Toughness

+7 Will

+A max EE pool

Vision power (selected at random from a long list of powers)

Third power (selected at random from a long list of powers)

Average height: – 1.6 bio (7.2 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 120 kg (264 lb)




Note: As Skakdi of any element can be male or female, and there are differences between the genders, Skakdi have two subtypes. Add the modifiers both from the gender and from the elemental affiliation.


Male Skakdi – Most Skakdi seen away from Zakaz are male. Surprisingly, they tend to be more mentally balanced than the females (which isn't saying much), resulting in a higher – but still relatively low – Charisma, but have less physical Strength.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma

-1 Strength


Female Skakdi – The male Skakdi are savage enough to give the Skakdi their fearsome reputation, but incredibly the females are even more barbaric and destructive. As a result, they have even lower Charisma and greater Strength than the males.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Charisma

+1 Strength


Skakdi of Air – Like Le-Matoran, the Skakdi of Air tend to have a higher Dexterity and lower Toughness.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Dexterity

-1 Toughness


Skakdi of Earth – Skakdi of Earth cannot all see in the dark like the Matoran of Earth, but also tend to have a lower Dexterity, and their element grants them a bonus to Toughness.

Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Dexterity

+1 Toughness


Skakdi of Fire – Skakdi of Fire tend to have a resistance to heat, but when they do they suffer an equal vulnerability to cold.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+2d20 % resistance to Heat damage

-(Same random value)% resistance to Cold damage


Skakdi of Gravity – These Skakdi have greater than average Strength, but even weaker Will than most Skakdi.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Strength

-1 Will


Skakdi of the Green – Contrary to the Matoran affiliated with the element of the Green, Skakdi of the same element represent everything dangerous and savage about the jungle. They tend to be even more brutal than their comrades, resulting in a lower Charisma, but have a higher Dexterity.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Charisma

+1 Dexterity


Skakdi of Ice – Skakdi of Ice tend to have a resistance to cold, but when they do they suffer an equal vulnerability to heat.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+2d20 % resistance to Cold damage

-(Same random value)% resistance to Heat damage


Skakdi of Iron – Like Fe-Matoran, Skakdi of Iron have greater than average Toughness. Unlike the Matoran of Iron, however, they tend to have lower than average Intelligence.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Intelligence

+1 Toughness


Skakdi of Lightning – These Skakdi are known to be as dangerous and unpredictable as the bolts of the element they represent. They are also considered to be quick but fleeting, resulting in a greater movement speed but reduced Toughness.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Toughness

Equivalent bonus to movement speed


Skakdi of Magnetism – Skakdi of Magnetism tend to have a higher than average Intelligence, but lower Strength.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Intelligence

-1 Strength


Skakdi of Plasma – These Skakdi are known to have a lot of energy, but have a lower Strength than average.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Strength

Equivalently reduced Endurance costs for moderate exertion and quick movements


Skakdi of Psionics – Skakdi with the element of Psionics are gifted with greater strength of Will, but tend to have an equally lower Toughness.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Toughness

+2 Will


Skakdi of Sonics – Spiriah's experiments granted some Skakdi hearing just as sensitive as that of a De-Matoran. However, this did not work as well for the Skakdi. The constant battle that ravages Zakaz causes the island to be a very noisy place. As a result, most Skakdi of this element either soon go deaf or destroy their own ears to avoid the torment. Only the few that are lucky enough to find isolation or find adequate protection from sound retain their hearing.


Subtypical Modifiers:

-300% Resistance to Sonic damage to Endurance (but take normal Vitality damage)

Extremely high bonus to Listen checks, can use Listen checks for purposes others cannot

Take automatic Sonic endurance damage over time from combat and other loud situations


+50% Resistance to Sonic damage to Endurance (but take normal Vitality damage)

Automatically fail Listen checks


Skakdi of Stone – Like Po-Matoran, Skakdi of Stone tend to have superior Strength, but lower Intelligence than average. (Though one of the most famous Skakdi of Stone, Avak, was actually the opposite case.)


Subtypical Modifiers:

-1 Intelligence

+1 Strength


Skakdi of Water – Skakdi of Water have none of the gentle nature of the Matoran that share their element. However, they also have a higher than average Charisma for Skakdi. Their Dexterity, on the other hand, is lower than average.


Subtypical Modifiers:

+1 Charisma

-1 Dexterity






Carapar's species – These beings have communities across the Matoran Universe, but are most populous in the Southern Continent. They have above average Strength and remarkable Toughness, but are vulnerable to Electric attacks. They lack fingers and are less agile than average, resulting in below average Dexterity. They have average Charisma, Intelligence, and Will. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they are not weakened by the lack of a mask, and only those of their race with strong willpower are capable of activating them. They have no natural powers of their own.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Yellow

Secondary Colors: Gray, Brown

Eye Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Yellow-Green


Racial Modifiers:

+7 Dexterity

+11 Strength

+13 Toughness

+9 Will

-50% resistance to Electric damage

Average height – 1.6 bio (7.2 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 170 kg (374 lb)


Ehlek's species – These sea-dwelling beings are native to the waters around Zakaz, though they have small communities elsewhere around the islands of the universe. Their slender bodies grant them superior Dexterity, but slightly less than average Strength and poor Toughness. They are shy by nature and tend to keep to themselves, resulting in a lower Charisma, though their Will is slightly above average. They can only breathe water and cannot survive on land without specialized equipment. Mysterious benefactors have provided each member of the race with incredibly sharp Protosteel claws that are attached to their hands. Though most of them prefer to stay out of sight of surface-dwellers, a few of these beings use their gifts for evil, ambushing and slaughtering hapless seafarers. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they have no mask-makers of their own. They are not weakened by the lack of a mask, and only those of their race with especially strong willpower are capable of activating them. They have no natural powers of their own.


Preferred Environments: Underwater

Primary Colors: Green

Secondary Colors: (Different shades of) Green

Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow-Green


Racial Modifiers:

+11 Dexterity

+8 Strength

+7 Toughness

+10 Will

Can breathe water but not air

Average height – 1.4 bio (6.3 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 90 kg (198 lb)






Kalmah's species – These beings have communities on both the major continents, and occupy many places in society. They have slightly higher than average Charisma, but typically have Intelligence somewhat below the average. They have average physical attributes and strength of Will. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they are not weakened by the lack of a mask, and only those of their race with strong willpower are capable of activating them. They have no natural powers of their own.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Red

Secondary Colors: Black

Eye Colors: Blue, Green


Racial Modifiers:

+1 Charisma

+9 Dexterity

-1 Intelligence

+9 Strength

+9 Toughness

+9 Will

Average height – 1.7 bio (7.65 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 130 kg (286 lb)






Mantax's species – These beings are found throughout the universe, but most commonly on the Northern Continent. They are known for being quick, crafty, and sneaky, and as such they have higher than average Intelligence and Dexterity. However, they tend to be solitary and not get along well with others, and so have a lower Charisma. Their Strength, Toughness, and Will are average. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they are not weakened by the lack of a mask, and only those of their race with strong willpower are capable of activating them. They have no natural powers of their own.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Black

Secondary Colors: Gray, Green

Eye Colors: Red, Yellow-Green


Racial Modifiers:

-2 Charisma

+11 Dexterity

+2 Intelligence

+9 Strength

+9 Toughness

+9 Will

Slight bonus to stealth skills

Average height – 1.6 bio (7.2 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 120 kg (264 lb)






Pridak's species – The influence of this race diminished after the fall of the League of Six Kingdoms, but still they remain one of the most populous of people next to the Matoran. They founded great cities on the Northern Continent and smaller communities elsewhere. They are known having higher than average Charisma and strength of Will, though their Dexterity is slightly lower than average. They have average Intelligence, Strength, and Toughness. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they are not weakened by the lack of a mask, and only those of their race with strong willpower are capable of activating them. They have no natural powers of their own.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: White

Secondary Colors: Black, Red

Eye Colors: Blue, Red


Racial Modifiers:

+2 Charisma

+8 Dexterity

+9 Strength

+9 Toughness

+11 Will

Average height – 1.7 bio (7.65 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 125 kg (275 lb)






Takadox's species – This race has members on both major continents and dozens of smaller islands. They are best known for their hypnotic gaze. They have the superior Will needed to use this power, and tend to have above-average Intelligence. As a result of their slender forms, they have good Dexterity but somewhat low Toughness and Strength. Also, many find their hypnosis power disturbing, a sentiment these beings make little attempt to change, and as such they have poor Charisma. They can wear Kanohi, but often do not, as they are not weakened by the lack of a mask and usually prefer to rely on their hypnotic gaze.


Preferred Environments: None

Primary Colors: Blue

Secondary Colors: (Different shades of) Blue

Eye Colors: Red


Racial Modifiers:

-3 Charisma

+11 Dexterity

+2 Intelligence

+7 Strength

+7 Toughness

+13 Will

Hypnotic gaze power

Average height – 1.6 bio (7.2 feet) – Medium size

Average weight – 90 kg (198 lb)






Races that still need to be made:


Airwatcher's species

Amphibax's species

Axonn's species

Botar's species

Brutaka's species

Conjurer's species

Darkness's species

Dweller's species

Eliminator's species

Four-armed horned giant species

Guardian's species

Hydraxon's species

Jerbraz's species

Johmak's species

Lariska's species

Lurker's species

Mimic's species

Nocturn's species

Odina natives

Primal's species

Nynrah natives

Poison's species

Seeker's species

Shadow Stealer's species

Triglax's species

Tobduk's species

Ancient's species

Trinuma's species

Tyrant's species

Vanisher's species

Vengeance's species


Recommended Comments

Let's use the standard ability score system (please, let's add Wisdom, we need that for perception and other mental abilities that don't rely on Intelligence), and only have each subtype grant +2 to one and -2 to another. Other than that, we could just have resistances halve damage and vulnerability double it, and I'm still a supporter of Matoran having expertise dice. Are we using that idea? Toa should have an EE pool equal to their Will, but their skill at elemental manipulation (attack rolls, saving throw DCs, etc. Are we making elemental manipulation a skill along with weapon usage, dodge, etc.) should be based on an ability determined by their element.

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Why does perception have to be based on Wisdom?

I'd like there to be more variety among Matoran than just +2 and -2 to certain attributes. As long as it balances out, different and bigger adjustments to stats should work.

I want resistances and vulnerabilities to be more specific than half or double damage.

I like the expertise dice idea, but I don't think it should necessarily be based on race. I think it should probably be linked to feats and skills.

I'm still trying to figure out what the EE pool should be for Toa.

Elemental manipulation will be a skill, or maybe merged with a generic 'power control' skill, and it will affect things like you mentioned. I'm not sure what you meant by having it be based on an ability determined by their element.

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I said that just to change the ability adjustments, the elemental features are fine. Also, if we don't give Matoran expertise dice as an exclusive feature, they'll get sidelined by Toa. What I meant by the elemental control issue is this: If you're a Toa of Fire, you use Charisma for elemental control, If you're a Toa of Earth, you use Toughness, etc. Simpler resistances/vulnerabilities speed up play. How about an EE pool like this: If your Toa has a will of 10 (the average for a d20 stat) he has 10 EE at the start of each day. This would work if EE costs for powers were like in the table I posted the link to in the main topic, coupled with the recharge ability.

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I think some Matoran should have more extreme stat adjustment than others, as long as all their bonuses and penalties add up to roughly equally good advantages. Matoran should be inferior combatants compared to Toa, except for a very skilled Matoran and/or very incompetent Toa. That's why Toa are usually the ones that do the fighting. That said, disadvantages of being a Toa include:

You don't have as much time to level most non-combat skills. Matoran spend most of their time working on these skills, Toa dedicate most of their time to adventure.

Also, unless you're a skilled enough crafter, the bonus to crafting Matoran get will be removed, because Toa aren't programmed to do such jobs as much. (Nuparu, for example, continued to be a crafter as a Toa.)

Assassins and abductors will seek you out, especially in later years. To Dark Hunters and other bounty hunters, most Matoran are insignificant, but killing or capturing a Toa is worth a lot.


The idea of different elements being controlled by different attributes could work in a different setting, but that's not how it works in Bionicle. It's all about mental power. The way we're doing things, I think the average value for a stat will be 12, and Toa will have high Will (like 16 or 18 I'd guess). I'm not yet sure how much EE a Toa will have, but I think it will be the same for every Toa and be in the hundreds. We can adjust the power costs you can up with if necessary.


I've done the most common and influential species. I think I will stop adding to the list for now to make sure the ones I have now are balanced and work on other parts of the project. If anyone wants to work on the more obscure species, the ones listed at the bottom, that would be welcome. Even if you don't want to come up with stats, stuff like characteristics and society would be helpful.

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The ability adjustments there are just absurd. A good rule of thumb would be to make all racial ability modifiers add up to 0. Also, penalties to crafting skills and a few roleplaying drawbacks won't stop munchkins from choosing to play a Toa. I say we give Matoran expertise dice, extra skill points and ability adjustments that add up to 0. Toa are like Matoran but don't have expertise dice or extra skill points, but have elemental manipulation.

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The stat adjustments for some of them are kind of extreme now that I think of it. I will lower some of them.


There, I changed the subtypical modifiers that are + or - 2 to + or - 1 and the ones that are + or - 1 4 to + or - 2. For Matoran, the bonuses and penalties still add up to a net positive, because I couldn't think of any penalties that were that big for each element.


If you roll 2 d6 and pick the higher of the two values, what would be a good number to add to that result to get an average of around 12?

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d20 averages have always been 10. I say we have a standard array like this: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 (assuming we'll add Wisdom as a 7th stat, and please, let's make elemental manipulation's ability change according to element, otherwise it'll encourage min-maxing alot, but let's have your Will determine your EE pool.) And include a 4d6 best 3 method for random ability generation.

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I like the idea of rolling 4d6 and picking the best 3, but I thought such a method would make the average stat 11 or 12. I don't want to have Wisdom as a 7th stat, but I'm considering having Perception. What do you think of that?


I would like to discourage min/maxing, and so make all stats viable, but remember you have a limited control over what your Attributes are.

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There's standard arrays, we're not going to roll stats over the internet now are we? Having Perception as a stat makes no sense; it and Insight, Nature, Survival etc. are skills dependent on Wisdom.

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Well yeah, stats are going to be randomly rolled. There are virtual dice rollers you can look up or download. Unfortunately, that probably means we'll be using the honors system, but if I can find a way around that without breaking the rules restricting what websites I can link to...


I was just throwing out the idea of having Perception as a stat. I know there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom, but in our case we've combined them. The skills you mentioned could rely on Intelligence just as well.


We can continue this talk about stats on the new post I made. Let's reserve this one for talking about the species.

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