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Any loot- based game is going to boil down to a farming/grinding pile after a while. Have you tried with a full party yet?


There's a reason he's "the Invincible", ya know. :P

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I got lucky, whilst I was preparing for the fight, a Gunzerker turned up and seemed to single-handedly beat him for me. Pretty good.


- Tilius

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Any loot- based game is going to boil down to a farming/grinding pile after a while. Have you tried with a full party yet?


There's a reason he's "the Invincible", ya know. :P


Well, I don't have anyone to play with me; I'd ask UK but 1. our schedules kinda conflict now and 2. he just got to level 50 so I'm not sure his stuff is going to be good enough yet, and 3. he's a melee build and I don't want to force him to respec.


I have my brother, and we just bought him a Live card, but he pretty much refuses to respec and that's kinda bad since he has like 20 points into kill skills.


So eventually I caved and tried getting a Bee and CC; the Bee I magically found when I killed what's-his-face for the mission in TVHM, so it's level 48, but the Conference Call I farmed for like 6 hours (total, not straight) with no luck. (Got an Impaler and a Volcano, which was like my favorite sniper in BL1 so that's nice though)


I'd ask to trade for one, but now I'm scared of the Graveyard.sav thing that's been going around so I don't really want to play with randoms, and really, I want to have fun when I play, not just fight the Warrior 100 times trying to get 1 gun.


I got lucky, whilst I was preparing for the fight, a Gunzerker turned up and seemed to single-handedly beat him for me. Pretty good.


- Tilius


I'm guessing he was using the Bee with two shotguns and specced for Gunzerking as long as possible. Do a lot of damage that way...

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I have a Jacobs sniper that regularly does 200k damage on crit + slagged. My Axton are specced for rockets as well as 2x turrets. I feel like I could solo a vault hunter playthrough by myself cause my guy is way OP. I was hoping Gearbox would bump the level cap so I can get longbow turrets as well. I'll have to wait for more DLC, I suppose.


I'm level 49 right now. Once Nate gets to be level 50 as well we're going to try to beat Terra eventually.

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I have a Jacobs sniper that regularly does 200k damage on crit + slagged. My Axton are specced for rockets as well as 2x turrets. I feel like I could solo a vault hunter playthrough by myself cause my guy is way OP. I was hoping Gearbox would bump the level cap so I can get longbow turrets as well. I'll have to wait for more DLC, I suppose.


I'm level 49 right now. Once Nate gets to be level 50 as well we're going to try to beat Terra eventually.


Well, that's good; I have a sniper that does 150k on crit and slags, so that's not a bad combo. My Axton's specced for double Phalanx mag-lock turrets but I was prolly gonna go for Double Up with one of the other gamechangers to fight Terra.


I want the level cap to get raised so I can get rockets; next DLC has already kinda been revealed, but no details yet. Hoping there's a cap increase there.


I'd ask if I could tag along but then there's UK and my brother that would want to come too, and none of us have level 50 Sirens specced for Res. (I have a Siren, but she's only level 27 so that wouldn't be good)

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I want rockets, but I also really want the Mag-Lock-Longbow combo because that makes it so much more versatile in placement. Phalanx Shield is really useful too, especially when I'm reviving people (or not getting hit by the Warrior's fire breath when I'm farming lol).


I want it but I can't deciiiiiiiiiiiide

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